Letter 34

165 12 5

Dear Ariel,

Look, the truth is I really like you. When I saw you at the dance smiling,
I knew it.

I knew you were the one
that I am supposed to end up with.
I hope you talk to me soon.

But if you don't I just wanted you to know that you're the best thing
that's ever happened to me.

My parents died, I had to work to pay bills and help take care on
Ponyboy, then I dated Sandy for what seemed like forever.

And she never even cared about
me the whole entire time.
She got pregnant and said no to my proposal.

But then when I saw your first letter it changed me.

It really did and afterwards
I couldn't stop thinking about you.
You're the reason I smile everyday of my life.

And I just wanted you to know that...

- Sodapop C.

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