I miss you

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It's been a week since Yoongi died. Hani handed herself into the police. I had to plan Yoongi's funeral myself since his parents didn't even seem bothered about his death. There was no notifications from the app either.

It was his funeral today. There was a small group of us outside listening to the guy read things about Yoongi. I just kept staring at his picture and the coffin. Still not actually believing he's gone. Suddenly my phone vibrates.
1 new stalker
1 new message
What the hell?
I open the message
???: that funeral seems a bit boring.
I quickly look around but see no one but the people next to me. I put my phone away and sniff back some tears.
1 new message
???: I'll put on a show for you
Y/N: who are you!?
???: you'll find out ;)
Y/N: leave me the hell alone! I'm burying my boyfr- someone I love for crying out loud!
???: hahaha
I look over to my left and see someone walking towards me slowly. I decide not to let it get to me and turn my attention back to the funeral.
As they start lowering the coffin the person reaches me and stands beside me. They are wearing all black. They have their hood up and a black surgical mask on. His bangs are on show and his hair looks recently bleached. He looks down at the coffin and chuckles.
"Nice choice" he speaks up, looking at me. I glare at him.
"Who the fuck are you? And what are you doing here?" I was pissed off. He places a finger on my lips. His hands covered by black leather gloves. I push his hand away and his eyes become angry.
"It's best if you don't do that" he growls lowly.
"Or what?" I push him and make everyone look at us.
"Or that sweetheart" he gestures to everyone. I look back embarrassed and apologize.
The funeral finishes and I start to walk away till someone grabs my arm and spins me around. I trip a little and head up closer to the persons body than expected making him take a step back and look me in the eyes. I glare at him.
"What do you want from me!?" I shout at him as I struggle out his grasp. He chuckles lowly.
"You" he says huskily and I instantly recognize his voice.
"Y-Yoongi?" My tears fall and I shake my head as he pulls off his mask, revealing the man I thought was dead. I grow angrier. "How? Why? I MOURNED YOU! I GAVE YOU A FUNERAL!" I scream at him letting all my emotions out. He pulls me into a hug as I hit his chest and he grabs my hands making me stop.
"Y/N...look at me" he says softly and I slowly look up at him. He places his forehead against mine. "I'm so sorry I done this to you. I want you to understand that I done it for our safety. People wanted me dead. I had no other choice if I wanted to be with you. I hope you can forgive me." He says softly and I sniff.
"I-I dont know Yoongi. This is a big deal. I thought you were really dead. I can't forgive you that easily" I sigh and pull away looking down at the ground. He uses his hand to lift my chin up so I look at him and he gives me a sad smile.
"I understand, don't worry. I was expecting that" he gives me a soft peck before walking away. I softly touch my lips and start crying again.
After a few minutes I hear a few gunshots, my head shoots up and I stand up, running towards where they came from. I'm shocked by what I see.
He killed them.
I stand there in shock. He quickly turns around and faces me.
"Y/N what are you doing here!?" He shouts half concerned half angry. I just stand there staring at him but for some reason I'm not scared of him. I know he won't hurt me. He walks over to me rushing me away from the scene. "They had to die. Their bad guys. They wanted me dead" I stop as soon as he says that.
"Why couldn't you have done that instead of making me go through all this pain?" I push him now angry. He doesn't move.
"Y/N please understand me. I couldn't just simply do this. If I didn't fake my death they would have sent more people than I could handle." He sighs and tries to hold my hand but I pull away.
"Don't talk to me ever again! I hate you!" I yell and run away leaving Yoongi there.

I don't go back to school for almost a month and when I go back I instantly regret it. Yoongi was making out with another girl and looked over at me briefly before continuing to kiss the girl but I see someone and my eyes instantly widen.
"JUNGKOOKIE OPPA!!" I scream making everyone stare at me as I run over to him and tackle him with a hug. He lets out a puff of air as he hugs me back.
"Sweetie-ah!" He calls me by my nickname as we hug "it's been so long!!" He says excitedly
"Since when?" I ask him
"Last week" he smiles at me and I smile back. I feel eyes burning into my back and I turn around to see Yoongi staring at us. I just shrug my shoulders and smile smugly at him. I know that it isn't Min Yoongi. Something must of happened that Suga is protecting him from.

The first half of school goes by quickly and I sit down for lunch with Jungkook. We catch up on everything.
"YAH! YOONGI-AH" we hear suddenly shout as Yoongi enters the cafeteria angry.
"Keep your god damn voice down!" He replies back.
"NO! DONT TELL ME WHAT TO DO!" The girl from earlier pushes him into a table and I can tell he's hurt. She dumbs her food and drink on him and says something then walks out. He's clearly pissed but tries to contain it in school. He notices me watching and tries to stand up but can't. I sigh and run over to him.
"Yah, are you okay?" I ask him but he doesn't answer. "Suga" I whisper and he looks up at me.
"Leave me alone Y/N" he says coldly and tries to stand up again but falls back down. I hold onto him and help him up. "Let me go" he says
"No. Your hurt" I argue back. He pushes me away slightly.
"Dude shes just trying to help" Jungkook comes to my side glaring at Yoongi.
"I don't need her help" Yoongi replies coldly and starts to limp away. I walk behind him and follow him till he reaches the nurses office. I sigh with relief. Thank god he made it.

School ends and I walk home myself. I walk slowly and it starts to rain. Oh that's just great. I roll my eyes but continue to walk slowly.
Suddenly the rain stops pouring on me and an umbrella covers me. I slowly look up and I'm shocked by who I see.
This has took a different direction from what I first intended but oh well. I hope you guys don't mind haha.
I love drama so sorry for all the drama. It'll get better soon....maybe haha

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