Jeremiah takes the lead, as Sammy follows closely behind him, and then Jacob. They carefully weave their way down the other side of the mountain, climbing over jutting rocks and crevices carved into the rock by years of erosion. Tom and Althea are the last to make their way over the apex and down the other side of the mountain. Tom holds his hand out, helping Althea over the apex, careful to make sure that she doesn't tumble down the side of the mountain once she starts to make her way over the apex, and down the other side.
"Looks like my gallant knight has abandoned me," Althea comments, with a hint of sarcasm, as she climbs down, her foot finding a jutting rock in the surface of the mountain.
"You know as well as I do that he needs to be out in the front on this one, Althea," Tom says in defense of his friend. "Every detail of this plan has to be worked out, or else we'll be sitting ducks for El-Fahd's men. Not a pretty prospect there, I'm certain."
"You're too serious," Althea responds, flashing a disarming smile, as she puts her foot into a crevice, holding onto the jutting rock to steady her descent. "Can't a girl have a little fun around here?" Tom's only response is to shake his head, as he reminds himself that this is just another example of an aspect of women that defies any logic he's managed to find.
As the team make their way carefully down the side of the mountain, Jeremiah has Sammy monitor their surroundings closely with the binoculars to prevent any unpleasant surprises.
The early morning air is very cold, made worse by a pre-dawn mist that clings to any exposed skin or hair. Althea pulls the sides of her parka hood closer around her face, as involuntary chills make her shiver.
Climbing down the mountainside, they come across frequent evidence of recent travel along this mountain. Early, Jacob points to debris, an empty water bottle and a discarded plastic wrapper at a section of the mountain that was carved-out for short stops. Jacob kneels down, examining the bottle with a nod.
"It's been here less than a couple of days," he offers, looking up at Jeremiah and setting the bottle back down where it was.
Jeremiah nods in understanding, and then turns over to Sammy, who has grabbed his shoulder, and is pointing down. Jeremiah pulls out his set of binoculars and looks down at the place directed by Sammy. He sees a small wooden structure built into the face of the mountain, two hundred feet beneath them, straight down. It has a roof, made of logs, and legs that are attached to the side of the mountain, supporting a box-like structure, which has a look-out window in its front, currently out of sight of the group.
"A look-out station," Jeremiah observes, returning his binoculars to the pocket of his parka. "It looks to be manned by at least one, but probably two, of El-Fahd's men. We're in their blind spot right now, but won't be for long."
"I could toss a little present their way," Sammy offers with a smile, as he pulls out a round explosive from one of his parka's pockets. He flips it up into the air only a few inches above his palm in anticipation. The explosives expert, Sammy takes great pride in his work, and has modified a number of explosives into weaponry useful on different missions. "It might get a little messy, though."
"And loud," Jacob points out. He notes to himself that Tom and Althea have caught up with them, and are clinging tightly to the mountainside just above them, Althea looking down nervously at the depth of the mountain.
"And that's the problem," Jeremiah points out.
"You have any other ideas?" Sammy asks, putting the round device back in his parka pocket, disappointed that he didn't get the chance to light up the early morning darkness.

Dark Destiny
Science FictionThe Tablets of Destiny, ancient artifacts of virtually incalculable power. Separately, they are able to wreak havoc on weather patterns, manipulate the energy supply, and seize control over death itself! Together, their power increases geometrically...