Matt x Galra!reader (pt2): first kiss

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Part 2 of my Matt x Galra!reader! Really liked the idea so I decided to continue it 😊
Have fun~

You stashed the supplies you just bought into the back of your small shuttle, getting ready to get back to the base you and Matt shared. You had been there for a few months now, intercepting Galra communications when possible. Ever since the escape you had been working together with Matt and helping out the rebels. The latter didn’t trust you at first, but with time they noticed how different you were from other Galra officers. And also that you wanted to help Matt out, since he did save your life. Lucky for you being Galra meant you could more or less walk around freely on almost any planet you wanted to. The ship you used to work on claimed you died in the breakout so no one was looking for you. This meant you could easily get supplies for yourself and also the rebels.
You got into your shuttle and took off. It would be a long flight back.
Sometime later you arrived at your destination. You were just about to hide your vehicle when you noticed another shuttle which you did not recognised. You panicked and ran over to the entrance of the hideout. There you saw the hatch was open and started to sweat. Matt would not leave it open like that. Quickly you took out your weapon and started to climb down the ladder. The last few meters you jumped down and landed on your feet, ready to go up against anyone who would be here.
“More of these bounty hunters?” You heard an unfamiliar voice to your right and turned to it, just to see something green flash your way. Luckily your reflexes had gotten much better over the past months and you were able to dodge whatever just had come your way.
“Pidge no! don’t hurt her!” Matt jumped right in front of you, blocking the way between you and your attacker. “She is a friend, not a foe.” Glancing over Matts shoulders you saw your opponent lower their weapon.
“Then who is she?” they asked. The tension in the room finally was easing down.
“Pidge this is (y/N), she’s my partner. (y/N) this is Pidge, my little sister.” He introduced you both to each other. Pidge took off her Helmet and you could see that the two were siblings. They looked very much alike.
“Wait, didn’t you say your sisters’ name was Katie?” slightly confused you looked to Matt. He just laughed.
“Pidge is her nickname.”
“It’s the name I usually go by at the moment. Call me whatever you want (y/N).” She held out her hand for you to shake it and you happily did as she wanted to.
“Sorry for attacking you all of a sudden. Seeing a Galra immediately want to defend myself.”
“No worries.” You stated. “I understand why you reacted that way. We are not known for being very nice.” All three of you laughed at that statement. You were happy to see that Pidge seemed to react positive to you.
“By the way, how did you two meet?” Pidge looked from Matt to you and back.
“Well the short version of the story is that we escaped a Galra prisionship together, joined the rebels and were partnered together since the others did not want to be around me. We’ll tell you the full story when we have time. It is quite long. For now we have to clean up this mess.” You walked over to the knocked out bounty hunter lying on the floor that you only just noticed and inspected what weapons he had. After that the three of you tied him up and cleaned up the mess that had happened with his arrival.
“So what’s the plan now.” You asked the siblings. “Is Pidge going to stay here for a while?”
“No, I can’t stay long. I’m gonna take Matt with me back to our base. Shiro and the others will be really happy to see you Matt.” Matt nodded. He seemed also very excited to be able to see his friends again.
“Just one thing Pidge. We’ll have to take (y/N) with us. I’m not leaving without her.”
“Do you have a specific reason for that? I think she can handle herself for a while without you.”
“Well because of this.” Matt took a few steps towards you and kissed you on your lips. Since you were taller than him, he pulled your arm so that your face was near enough for him to kiss you. From the corner of your eye you saw Pidge standing there with her mouth open in surprise. When Matt was done he turned back to his sister, grinning as he saw her face.
“I think you get the point sis.”
“Yeah, I do.” Pidge adjusted her Glasses before continuing. “Well I did not see this coming. But I’m happy for you Matt. Congratulations on your first real girlfriend!” Matt was smiling like a little child after his sisters praise. You on the other hand were just standing quietly next to him, your hand covering your mouth. It was the first time Matt had actually kissed you like this since you got together. You were blushing a lot at the moment but thanks to your purple skin it didn’t show so badly. You were not listening to the rest of the conversation and got taken out of your thoughts by Matt some time later. Pidge had already left the lair as you noticed she was nowhere to be found.
“You okay (y/N)” he asked you with a small concern in his voice. You shook your head, pushing away everything that was going on in your head.
“I’m fine Matt.” There was a short break while you were looking down at his face. He didn’t say anything, but you were certain he wanted more information to be sure you were alright.
“Honestly I was just surprised that you actually kissed me… until now you had not done that.” It took Matt a few seconds the process what you meant and then started to blush. It was true up until now he had only planted small kisses on your cheek. You wondered what made him finally make a move on you. Matt had calmed himself down in that time you were thinking. His face was still red but he seemed relaxed.
“I’m sorry if I made you uncomfortable (y/N). I think in a way I panicked back there…”
“Don’t worry.” You said and gave him a smile. “It’s true I was surprised, but at the same time I was happy.” Matt smiled back after your statement. He then took your face into both of his hands and pulled you once again down to his level to kiss you. This time you were ready for it and kissed him back. Unfortunatly the blissfull moment was interrupted by Pidge, who had come back to see why you two had not followed her yet.
"You two lovebirds comming or not?"
I might do a part 3 for this but we'll see if I get any ideas to continue this ^_^

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