Okay so there has to be some rules right? Okay so here are those
Famous (100k+ reads)
Popular (99k-40k reads)
Up and Coming (39k-10k reads)
Undiscovered (less than 10k reads)
Best one shot (maybe... Probably not)
Just a little note but we have decided that no two fics by the same author can be in the top five of the same category.
20 fics will be nominated for round one in each category.
10 fics will make it on to round two in each category.
5 fics will make it to round three in each category.
3 fics will win in each category. Your voting in round three will also rank them.
How many to vote for-
In round one for each category you may vote for 5 fics, you will be reminded on that voting page.
In round two for each category you may vote for 3 fics.
In round three for each category you may vote for only one fic.
How to vote-
To vote you must comment the name of the fic you are voting for. I do not have the wattpad app so I can not tell what you are voting for if you do the "inline comment" thing and just say "YESSS" or "this one" so you need to say the name of the fic or your vote will not be counted.
Once the voting page is posted you and all your fans will have one week to vote and when that week is up we will tally the votes. NO VOTES WILL BE ACCEPTED AFTER THE WEEK IS UP! So get your votes in on time.
You may vote for your own fic
You may vote for one fic multiple times as long as your total number of votes per category does not go over the total number allowed for the current round.
Okay, I think that is it! If you have any questions fell free to ask!!
Lashton Awards
RandomThese are awards just for Lashton fics :) here's the categories Famous (100k+ reads) Popular (99k-40k reads) Up and Coming (39k-10k reads) Undiscovered (less than 10k reads)