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Your POV

"Y/b/n! We need to be early so we get to be infront!" I said, arguing y/b/n on the phone then i ended the call.

I can't believe that i get to see Calpurnia! And that i get to meet and greet them! I can't honestly express my feelings, i can't even feel my hands anymore! That's what happens when I get too nervous and too excited!

"Y/n y/n!" I hear someone shouting my name and hear loud footsteps.

Is y/b/n already here? She's so fast!

"Y/n! I'm here!" I turned around and saw y/b/n, wearing a Calpurnia shirt inserted on black shorts. I like y/b/n's style, it's my type of aesthethic. While i'm here, also wearing a maize large yellow shirt inserted on pants. It looks cute right? I'll just post it on Instagram. It's not a concert worthy outfit but still-

"Y/b/n! Take a picture of my outfit!" I said and gave her my phone.

"No bitch." She sassily replied.



• Liked by kathiegal, pokiepizza and 63 othersy/i/u • going to see Calpurnia tonight! So excited! (i asked y/b/n to take a pic of me but she being a lazy bitch so this is what u get HA)

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Liked by kathiegal, pokiepizza and 63 others
y/i/u • going to see Calpurnia tonight! So excited! (i asked y/b/n to take a pic of me but she being a lazy bitch so this is what u get HA)

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kathiegal lucky you!
pokiepizza i hate uu!! But have fun! :)
nickV0SITY have fun tonight love u!

A/N: I'll be using some random girl's pics for instagram, messages or twitter so yeah, but mostly ill use pics that they don't show their faces.


Damn. Already 65 likes? Is Instagram drunk?

"Okay let's go now!" Y/b/n said, gave me my phone then quickly grabbed my wrist and ran fast downstairs.

"Jesus Christ!" I didn't remember her running this fast! Is she secretly an athlete?

"My dad is driving! Let's go now!" She kept on running like a cheeta! I feel like vomiting. I didn't even noticed that we were outside!

Y/b/n then opened the backseat door and pushed me inside. Jesus!

"Girl! Chill!" I said. I then opened my bag, reached for my comb and fixed my hair, fixed my clothes and sprayed perfume all over me.

"Dad! Drive now!" Y/b/n shouted at her dad. Damn, she is screaming.

"Okay y/b/n!" y/b/n's dad then went with full speed and drove so fast! I can't a thing, i just screamed. I then wore my seatbealt, i was so scared.

"Okay okay! Dad you can slow down now!" Y/b/n said, she looks like she was gonna pass out.

Y/b/n's dad then slowed down and sighed. Then he looked at the both of us, me and her were both out of breath and almost dying.

"Jeez! I'm sorry. Y/b/n told me to go on full speed!" Y/b/n's dad apologizing, me and y/b/n then calmed down.

"I didn't tell you that dad! I just told you to drive!" She said.

"I'm sorry Y/b/n! But were almost there!" Y/b/n's dad said, looking at his left.

"I can't believe were almost there! I can't believe were gonna get to meet amd greet Calpurnia!" I said, i was literally in tears! I'm a superfan.

"Okay you two! Were here. Call me if the concert is done okay?" Y/b/n's dad said to the both of us as he stopped the car.

"Thank you so much Sir!" I said as i took off my seatbelt and left the car,
Y/b/n did the same.

"Love you dad!" Y/b/n said and smashed the backseat door.

I then put my shoulders around y/b/n and we both smiled to each other, we both were just so excited! I then looked around me and thank god there isn't that much people in the line!

Me and y/b/n then went in line, my hands and legs was shaking and so did Y/b/n's.

"Y/b/n are you excited?" I asked her, my smile wouldn't go away from my face.

"BITCH YES!" She yelled, leaving all the people around us look at me and her.

"Shhh!" I said as i put my right hand on y/b/n's mouth. She then took my hand away.

"I'm sorry! I'm just so excited!" Y/b/n's voice was shaking.

"I'm so jealous that you have a Calpurnia shirt!" I said, my hands on my waist.

"But your outfit is very cute!" She said, trying to get me not angry.

"Oh really? You're such an amazing friend!" I said sarcastically, smiled then gave her a disguted look.

"Oh c'mon! I love you" She said, then hugged me. Aww I just love her so fucking much!

"I love you too" I said and hugged her back.

"Okay now shoo shoo!" I said and laughed.

"OMG! The line is moving!" She said, the line moved and she has this huge smile on her face and it wouldn't go away.

"Hello ladies, where's your ticket?" The ticketman said and his hand is open, ready to take our tickets.

"Here is our tickets" I said then me and Y/b/n handed our tickets to the ticketman.

"Okay ladies, have fun!"

Me and y/b/n then burst in and went straight to the front row. I literally can't breath, I'm so excited!


Two hours later, nothing is still going on. y/b/n is laying on my shoulder sleeping while i'm on my phone, checking Twitter.

Good o'l Twitter, full of memes. That's is literally the reason why i downloaded Twitter, just for the memes!

Suddenly, all the lights went off. All the fans started to scream! It woke
y/b/n up.

"It's --- it's starting!" Y/b/n said, screaming. She doen'st look like she just woke up, she still looks fabulous!

I then heard someone doing the guitar, it was so perfect.

Then in split second, the band Calpurnia appeared out of nowhere!


Finn Wolfhard then sang the lyrics of 'City Boy' Finn's singing, Ayla playing the guitar, Malcolm playing the drums and Jack as the Bassist is just perfect.

I then started to look around me and i saw in the corner of the stage. I saw a.boy, it looks like Jack Grazer! I must be imagining things so to make sure it was real, i told y/b/n about it.

"Y/b/n, see that boy on the corner of the stage? Tell me that's Jack Grazer" I said as i pointed out the boy on the corner.

"Huh? I--- i don't know y/n! Just enjoy the concert!" y/b/n said.

I kept on analyzing that boy or should I say, Jack Grazer. I am trusting my instincts that it is really Jack Grazer, he is small and has a cap on. I kept on staring at him, but then he noticed me staring at him then he moved away.

Okay, that really is Jack Grazer. Double celebrity! But i really hope it's Jack.


wow first chapter well do u yall like it lol

this aint gonna get views omg

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