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I turned off my phone and left my room, wow it's so bright here, the curtains was up and WOW-

A sleeping Wyatt AND a sleeping Jaeden, the hell when did Jaeden came? I literally just saw JUST Wyatt a while ago, am I trippin?


• Liked by chosenjacobs, jeremyraytaylor and 277,001 others

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• Liked by chosenjacobs, jeremyraytaylor and 277,001 others

y/i/u • i swear i just saw ONLY wyatt sleeping here

View all 99,127 comments...
sophialillis @shanedawson LOOK

jeremyraytaylor hey whats up me guys *in a scary shane voice*

wyatt.cutie aw wyatt so cute

jaebaebaby SO CUTE UWUUUUU


lilia awe
hurricanetortilla @lilia AWE WYATT OR AWE JAEDEN?!

unpopularopinion thats a fucking nice couch

bruhstop41 threesome????


There was then a knock on my door. The doorknob slowly opened, the door opened and revealed him, Finn.

"Hey" He softly said and gently closed the door.

"Hey" I let out then looked at him and smiled.

He then sat down beside me on my bed and looked at what I was doing on my phone, then looked at me.

"What?" I confusedly asked, he gave me a warm smile.

"It's nothing, it's just- Whenever I would remember THAT moment, I would smile out of nowhere" He said and brushed his curls with his hand.


That moment has been important to him.

I mean.

Me too.

It's also important to me.

I looked at him and he was already looking at me, we both smiled at each other and I could feel my faces started to heat up.

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