First Exam?

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Stress and anxiety had been both you and Jimins middle name for the last few months. Working as hard as you could for these life changing exams. The exams that could make or break your future. You were only 98% worried for yourself and Jimin as you thought that you both had other life prospects if things were to go wrong but you still were gonna try as hard as you could.

Today would be the day you future is in your hands. And you came out of your exam feeling like shit. You had potentially screwed it up. You totally lost track of time and was rushing the final four questions on the paper. You wanted to die in a hole.

Luckily, a handsome fool stood by the gates awaiting his beautiful girlfriend and the potential melt down that was about to occur. You walk to smiling Jimin stood leaning against the fence with his toned arm muscles clenching around his coat jacket. With one look of your pouty face he immediately knows what's wrong encapsulating you in the warmth of his arms. You face buried deep in his neck and his tender touch stroking up your spine. Soothingly and calmingly rubbing your back and whispering reassurances over you slight whimpers.

"Y/N it's gonna be fine honey. You worked really hard for this. It's okay. I'm here. I love you. Just remember it's one exam it can all change in the next Okay baby. It's okay. I love you. Let's get you home for some of Jin's homemade hot chocolate and then we can have a bath and watch a movie. Does that sound good?" You ahum into his chest and he unfurls you from him giving you a sweet peck on your lips holding your chin between his thumb and index finger. "Jin won't make you anything until he sees that beautiful smile of yours." You pull a stroppy face and head across the road to the bus stop. Jimin follows with the intent of seeing a happy Y/N again. So he follows her swooping into a back hug and waddling behind her. No luck so he keeps trying. When you've reached the bus stop Jimin still hangs onto you but moves your hair to the side so he can give you a peck on your neck as he squeezes you tighter.

"It's not gonna work." You say playing like you're frowning and upset.

"What if I tell you about all the naughty things I'm going to do to you tonight pumpkin." He whispers seductively into your ear. You don't budge. He sneaks his upwards circling your tummy in an attempt to arouse you. "All the naughty things Y/N" and with that he begins tickling you causing you to become a squirming mess on the road side.

"Nooo let me gooo hehe" he got you. He got you smirking and laughing within two minutes of your meltdown. You love this guy so much. You turn to face him with a smile on your face. "Thank you. I love you so much Parky Boy." You say sincerely.

"I love you too you spud every single bit." He smirks and in your current position arms around his neck, his around your waist a kiss was inevitable. But you were the one who could see the bus arriving. Jimin lent in closed eyes and you side cheek him.

"The bus is here ." You say chuckling with Jimin's lips firmly placed on your cheek.

"Really Y/N, I'm so getting you back for that." You laugh and he puts his hand out indicating for the bus to stop. You get on getting to your usual seats luckily and you give him a smacker on his lips as to maybe soften the revenge he was planning on taking on you. He plots out loud to you the entire journey home.

He begins to ask about how things went but calmly as to not upset you. The discussion gets you all the way from the bus stop to the guys house.

"We're home. Jin - Y/N's here." Jimin announces and with that Jin flies out of the kitchen to greet you by broad shouldered embrace. These past months you had really settled in with Jimin's family and Jin had really grown to love you and you loved him.

"Y/Nnnnn hows my princess? How was the exam?" He says shaking you in his grasp. You stay quiet and Jin takes this as 'not too good'.

"She needs hot chocolate hyung." Jimin says as he heads upstairs to put a bath on knowing you're in good hands with Jin taking care of you.

Jin guides you to the kitchen plonking you on one of the chairs. "It's a good job I made cookies this morning as well then isn't it." He says rushing and fussing around you like a mother hen. Making sure that he has done everything in his grasp to make you happy. Which of course he did within the first few seconds of his cuddle.

"Thank you Oppa." You say as you sip the first taste of his famous hot chocolate and my oh my it's gorgeous. "Hmm that's better. Hehe" he smiles as Jimin comes back down stairs picking his own mug of liquid heaven and the cookies and signalling for us to go upstairs after thanking Jin for his kindness. When you get to the bathroom the tub is almost full bubbles rippling all over the surface of the water. Jimin puts the drinks where they will be reachable when you two are relaxing in the bath after he locked the door. He then begins stripping off which takes you aback as you are way not confident to do that. No Y/N - You are he loves you he doesn't care Y/N fuck it just get naked. You turn around and begin doing stripping off too. You first take your jeans off revealing your frilly panties and you feel and light slap on your arse with a low chuckle from Jimin. "Poo you Chim."

"Paybacks a bitch." He smiles and you carry on removing your shirt so you're in your undies. Jimin has begun slipping into the bath stark naked cupping his package and sits at the back of the bath with a space for you to sit between his legs in a teddy bear cuddle.

"Close your eyes" you say as your embarrassment level is rocketing.

"Get in the bath Y/N" He says dominantly. You begin pulling stuff off but you cover his eyes whilst you get in the bath.

"Okay Daddy." You say as a joke not knowing what that actually does to Jimin. He immediately wraps his arms around you pulling you close to lean against him and then you relax. He kisses your shoulder as he begins talking to you.

"Y/N you know calling me Daddy is a turn on right?" He says slowly into your ear.

"I know ... Daddy." You slur back to him.

"Erghh I hate how crazy you make me." He says as he begins touching you only tenderly to sooth out any stresses. Massaging your shoulders which you really needed as your back was killing you. You begin moaning lightly because of how good it feels. "That nice babe?" He whispers lightly.

"Ahmmm a little higher." You say and he abides hitting that perfect point in your back making you hum in pleasure.

"I love hearing you moan like that Y/Nis." He whispers seductively into your ears.

"Well keep going Daddy it feels good." He continues at your request. Getting you moaning and him turned on. "Jimin I'm tired. Can I stay over and can we just sleep because imma shut my eyes the second my head hits that pillow."

"Anything you wish my love." He begins kissing your shoulder and sucking on your neck up to your ear lobes. Eventually you just lean back in his grasp and he begins drawing circles on your tummy with his fingertips. Accompanied by the delicious snacks provided by Eomma Jin. You almost drift off to the sound of Jimin's voice echoing in the bathroom softly.

{imagine him lullabying this to you acapella style and slowed down.}

"Y/N ... y/n..." Jimin whispers to you. "The waters cold we need to get you in bed baby." You awake confused at your surroundings. You flop yourself over the side of the bath to let Jimin out to get towels and PJs to change into. You immediately get into them without any shame as you're so tired you could not give two shits about how you looked. And to be honest you had your eyes shut anyway. Jimin takes your hands leading you sleepily to his bed and helping you in before cuddling himself up to you and collecting your warmth.

"Night I love you... Chimmm..." You say almost slurring your words out because you're so sleepy.

"I love you too snuggle buddy. Sleep well." He kisses your forehead and then your lips and you grab his face and make him kiss you on the lips again before you both zonk out dreaming lucidly about each other. He's so perfect for you even just in cuddling he fits perfect. You love him and his family they have done so much for you already.

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