Chapter 1

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I was sitting in the cafeteria talking to my friend Jonah Karam after a long hard day beads of sweat were pouring down the side of my face."I still can't believe that Chief Ripley made us run all the way into town."I nodded wiping the sweat off the side of my face."Yeah just remind me to bring a bottle of water next time."He nodded in agreement as we were about to finish up for the day Sanjay quickly rushed into the cafeteria with tears pouring down his face."Shelbie you and Jonah got to come quick i-it's horrible!"Quickly standing up knocking the chairs back the two of us made our way over towards him."What's wrong Sanjay?"As he was trying his best to talk to us there was a loud crash followed by screams."Don't worry Sanjay you can tell us later in the mean time we better see what's going on!"Jonah nodded as the two of us quickly bolted down the hall way towards the meeting room with Sanjay right behind us when we got there the entire room was completely destroyed."W-What happened in here?"Beads of sweat started pouring down my face again not because of the heat but out of fear."I-I'm not sure but by the looks of it this isn't just another murderer were dealing with but for some reason I have a really bad feeling about this..."Before either Jonah or Sanjay could respond there was another loud crash followed by more screaming."It's coming from outside Shelbie let's go!"I nodded turning towards Sanjay." In the meantime, I want you to go into Jonah's office shut and lock the door okay?"At first he was hesitant but nodded making his way towards the office."Alright Jonah let's go but be careful."He nodded the two of us pulled out our guns quickly making our way outside as we arrived outside we were immediately blindsided by smoke."Where did all this smoke come from?!"Shielding my eyes from the smoke."I'm not sure...But we can't stop here..."With that being said the two of us pushed through the smoke it was going well at first but then our bodies started getting heavy we didn't think much of it at first but then it suddenly hit us it was the smoke."Jonah it's the smoke we have to hurry!"He nodded as we sped up a bit seeing the light up ahead finally escaping the deadly smoke.*Cough Cough.*"Okay I did not expect that at all.."Jonah nodded in agreement as he slowly stood up looking around."Where are the others?"I stood up dusting the dirt off myself looking around for any clues until I saw something laying on the ground."Jonah I see something up ahead!"

Struggling to stand he slowly looked over beads of sweat pouring down his face."W-What is it we need to get a closer look."I nodded helping him up the two of us made our way over towards the  as we were getting closer to the unknown object it started glowing at first we thought it was the sun shining on it but then out of nowhere the unknown object started floating in midair which made us stop in our tracks."What's going on how is that object floating?!"I was to stunned for words instead I placed my hand over my heart."I don't know how it's floating on its own but for some reason I feel calm...what about you Jonah?"He reached over placing a hand over his heart slowing closing his eyes."Yeah I'm calm too what's happening to us?"That was a very good question we were nervous trying to find our friends getting caught in smoke but now it feels like a huge weight was taking off our shoulders a few seconds later it was over slowly opening our eyes we saw that the object was still floating in midair without a second thought the two of us slowly reached our hands up towards the object gently grasping it."What just happened?"That was the question which was going through my head."I'm not sure what's going on but in the meantime let's head back to the Bureau I got a feeling that whoever took the others will be coming back for us."Jonah nodded as the two of headed back to the Bureau but little did we know that a certain agent was standing a few yards away from scene her arms were crossed a smirk across her painted lips."It looks like General Shelbie found something that could be of use to her this should be interesting."With that being said she disappeared as mysteriously as she came meanwhile me and Jonah finally arrived back at the Bureau."I've got to say that was weird first of all the entire room is completely destroyed and the others are gone and second we found this strange object just laying on the ground for no reason what could this mean?"As we entered the building we were immediately hit with the smell of smoke."Not again where's all this smoke coming from?!"Quickly looking around I saw a shadowy figure standing in the smoke."Jonah I see something!"Before he could react the shadowy figure appeared right in front of him bending it's arm back getting ready to attack I had to do something and fast quickly looking around I spot ted a sword leaning against the wall."Jonah I have an idea but I'm going to need you to distract it for as long as you can okay?"

At first he was hesitant but nodded motioning for me to go now nodding in agreement I quickly made my way towards the sword hoping nothing bad would happen to Jonah I'll do whatever it takes to stop this once and for all looking back I saw that Jonah was fighting the shadowy figure once I was able to reach the sword I quickly pulled it out of the sheath lifting the sword in the air beats of sweat were pouring down my face.(Finally I got the sword I better go help Jonah now... wait what's happening?!)Before I could react to what was happening a weird symbol appeared on my hand and the blade.(What's going on why is there a symbol on my hand and on the blade something doesn't seem right.)I was quickly brought out of my thoughts when I heard a crash followed by groaning looking up I saw that the shadowy figure pinned Jonah to the floor holding it's claw above its heading getting ready to strike."Hey don't you even think about laying a claw on my friend!"It quickly lifted its head up to stare at me for a mere second before it bolted down the hall towards me.(That's right just a little bit closer nobody lays a hand on my friends and gets away with it!)As the shadowy figure started getting closer and closer the mysterious symbol on my hand and blade started glowing I watched as the shadowy figure brought it's arm back preparing to attack.(Now!)Quickly jumping in the air I dodge the shadowy figure's attack trying to find a weak spot after a few seconds I've finally found one grabbing a hold of the swords handle I jammed the sword straight into its back hearing it screech in pain meant I hit the right spot after retrieving the sword from its back the shadowy figure fell to the ground dying from the wound on its back.(That takes care of that...except what the heck was it and why did it attack us?)Looking up I saw that the smoke started disappearing I made my way over towards Jonah kneeling down beside him."Are you alright that was a pretty nasty blow."He nodded struggling to get up but fell back down."Yeah just a little bit of a headache."Wrapping my arm around his I slowly helped him up into a sitting position."Thanks Shelbie I owe you one."I shook my head smiling as I placed the sword back in its sheath."Don't worry about it we need to look out for each other in the meantime we need to get Sanjay and a few supplies."Jonah nodded in agreement as the two of us made our way towards his office but little did we know that the same agent from before watched the entire fight."That was an amazing fight...But what was that thing...And when did General Shelbie learn to do that?...Looks like I got a lot more spying to do..."In a flash she disappeared the way she came without leaving a trace.

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