Chapter 2

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After the whole ordeal with the shadowy figure both me and Jonah decided it would be best to get away from here in case there are more shadowy figures in the area it seems that the shadowy figures only appear at night which means it won't be long until the others show up."It's best if we stick together that way the shadowy figures won't be able to get us."Jonah nodded in agreement as the two of headed towards his office as we arrived the door to his office opened looking up we saw Sanjay standing in the doorway shaking."Don't worry Sanjay it's gone but in the meantime we need to get away from here before more of those shadowy figures appear."He nodded quickly making his way over towards me wrapping his arms around me burying his head in my side."Don't worry Sanjay we'll protect you no matter what."He slowly nodded looking over I saw that Jonah headed towards his lab."I'm going to grab some weapons in case they try to come after us."I nodded looking down at Sanjay."While he's doing that let's go to the break room and get some supplies okay?"He nodded as I took his hand in mine."Shelbie do you think we'll find the others before those shadowy figures do?"I nodded looking down at him."Don't worry Sanjay we'll find them and we'll bring them home nobody lays a hand on our friends and gets away with it!"A small smile appeared over his lips as he jumped up wrapping his arms around my neck smiling."I also want you to stay strong for Carmen and the others okay?"He nodded once more I couldn't help but smile at his bravery."Alright then let's get some supplies okay?"He nodded as the two of us headed towards the cafeteria along the way I kept glancing outside the windows making sure that no shadowy figures were approaching only two thoughts were going through my head the first was protecting Sanjay and Jonah and the second was finding the others after a few minutes we finally arrived at the break room."Alright Sanjay let's get packing."He nodded as the two of us began to pack some food water blankets medicine and the first aid kit."Looks like that's everything we need all we have to do is wait for Jonah."Sanjay nodded standing beside me a few minutes later Jonah appeared in the doorway a with a bag full of weapons."Did we get everything we needed?"I nodded tossing the bag over my shoulder."Yeah we got everything let's go."The three of us made our way outside but was stopped the sound of growling followed by screaming grabbing our weapons the three of us quickly rushed to the side of the Bureau and what we saw next made our blood boil.

The Triplets were backed against the tree hugging each other crying the shadowy figures started pacing back and forth licking their lips preparing to attack but before that could happen a flash of light suddenly appeared out of nowhere blinding the shadowy figures."Where in the world did that light come from?!"I didn't give it much thought as I quickly pulled the sword out."Girls close your eyes now!"They nodded quickly closing their eyes."Alright here goes take this!"The weird symbol once again appeared on both my hand and the blade of the sword started glowing but this time even brighter than before in one swift move I quickly appeared in front of the triplets swinging the blade down at full force watching as the shadows screeched in pain as they slowly disappeared."Don't you ever mess with my friends again!"Picking the sword up I placed it back in the sheath turning back towards the triplets kneeling down in front of them I gently placed my arms around them pulling them towards me letting the tears fall from their face."It's okay girls it's over don't worry we won't let anyone lay a hand on you no matter what."After a few minutes of crying they finally settled down wiping their tears away Jonah and Sanjay rushed over towards us kneeling down beside us while Sanjay stood beside us."We're so glad that you girls are safe."I nodded in agreement."Girls I want you to take it easy for a while then you can tell us what later what happened to the others okay?"They nodded as me Jonah and Sanjay picked up the triplets heading towards the truck."I'm Glad that Sanjay and the triplets are alright our top priority is to find the others apparently someone has created these shadowy figures to come after the Bureau despite taking the others and leaving us behind I got to feeling that whoever created the figures and taking the Bureau is about to create something even more destructive or worse."Jonah had his head down looking at the ground as we walked."Don't worry Jonah we'll find them no matter what it takes a lot more than a bunch of shadowy figures to stop us."I gave him a reassuring smile letting him know that I'll never think of him any less.

As we made it to the front of the Bureau Jonah un locked his truck being careful not to wake Sanjay and the triplets up."I can't believe it Shelbie damn it first the team goes missing then these shadowy figures appear out of nowhere!"I nodded in agreement I don't blame him for being angry it's completely understandable it hurts that we weren't able to stop the shadowy figures from taking our friends but the worst part was that these monsters were attacking kids a lot of things were going through my mind and one of them was to find our friends were and to go after the person who caused all this."Hey Shelbie everything's all packed up are we ready to go?"I nodded taking one last look at the Bureau."Yeah let's get going we have a long journey ahead of us." Getting in the truck the two us is looked back and saw a beautiful sight Sanjay and the triplets were fast asleep in the back holding on to one another but it broke our hearts to see them like this we looked at each other once more before making a promise to find the others looking out there window Jonah started up the truck driving away towards our next destination meanwhile hidden behind the Bureau the same agent watched us drive away a small smile appeared over her lips."Heh so you're going to travel with the kids to find your friends that's really sweet of you putting others before yourself but I have a really bad feeling about this."Turning around she walked deep into the forest disappearing into the night.

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