Chapter Twenty-Five - Violet

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The funeral is held in a crematorium near Richmond. I am shocked by how many people turn up to attend the service. The majority of them are political acquaintances from his time as Mayor, and prior to them, from his solicitor days. His only direct living relatives in London are me and Miranda since his mother passed away when he was young and his extended family are still in Haiti.

Marshall does a beautiful reading, crediting Theodore as not only a mentor but the father he never had. Miranda cries silently through the whole service and I hold her hand. It is the closest we have come to showing each other affection in a very long time. It is not a shared grief that brings it together, but the intense emotions. Hers is grief and mine is something else. Anger.

I feel empty inside as well-wishes murmur their condolences after the cremation whilst we mingle in a function room off the side of the chapel, designed specifically for this kind of event, but not equipped to handle the numbers. The majority of the attendees remain gathered outside, occasionally coming in to help themselves to the buffet. On my phone I have messages from Jo, Sara, and Laura, all letting me know they are thinking of me (I assume Jo told them, which is fine). Still nothing from Celia. I wonder if she even knows. If she cares.

I notice Max lingering at one side of the room. At first I don't recognise him because he is wearing a suit and I have never seen him in anything so smart before. I cannot help but admire how it looks on him, the cut of it suiting his slender yet muscular shape. When my gaze meets his he inclines his head to the door in a movement which I think says "meet me outside". Then he slips back out through the doors.

I give my excuses to Miranda and also make my way outside, occasionally being stopped by people letting me know how sorry they are for my loss. The majority of attendees I have never even met before, and certainly they had no idea I existed before today, it is not like Theodore ever spoke about me in public. The only people I know at the funeral, aside from Miranda, are Marshall, Archie, and Shelley. Although why Shelley got an invitation I am unsure. She was not even Theodore's secretary when he was Mayor.

When I eventually get outside I find Max seated on a bench away from the mourners outside. I walk over and join him, trying to act as casual as possible in case anyone notices us. At least he is dressed the part.

'Sorry to turn up like this,' he says, awkwardly.

'I needed a break anyway.' I shiver even though it is not that cold outside. He immediately removes his suit jacket and drapes it over my shoulder, the gesture is so uncharacteristically gentleman-like of him that I am taken aback momentarily.

'Andrew Barker isn't here,' I tell him, assuming this is the reason he came to the service.

'He's dead,' Max replies, dropping his voice in case the people outside happen to listen in. He carries on before I can say anything. 'I went to see him. He told me some interesting information about a case he and Devereux - your father- worked on together twenty years ago. The file we are looking for is the last remaining record of that organisation. And whatever they were, or did, Castlemain is after it.'

'And how exactly did he die?' I inquire, unable to keep the icy tone out of my voice.

Max looks awkward. 'He killed himself,' he whispers. 'Before anyone else could get to him.'

I take in his words. I think I should be more shocked, but I am not. First Theodore and now Barker? I realise the file I found might be the only lead we have.

'Judging from the mess Castlemain is willing to create to get his hands on it, finding that file must be our number one priority. And I am willing to bet Reed knows more about it than he told you before. We should talk to him, now.'

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