Chapter 9

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Yay, another chapter...

Summer's POV

After we figure out Noah sent the email, we talk over it. Why did he only send one sentence? What did it mean? Should we respond? HOW DID HE KNOW THE BLOG WAS US? We're freaking out and they're all trying to keep me calm. We eventually decide that we should go on as though nothing happened and keep editing and posting on the blog. We decide to send out another announcement as our only response.

Thank you so much for your support and your uploads. We love seeing your talent, getting your questions, and having your, mostly kind, posts and shout outs. Unfortunately, that is why we are sending this post. We have gotten numerous reports of bullying behavior. As we mentioned in a previous update, we have not been reading them ahead of time, only putting posts through a writing editor. From here on out, however, we are going to have to read posts before uploading them. All posts will be posted unless we identify bullying behavior in it. We will in no way change any work (except for correcting misspelled words and other common mistakes) and if bullying is detected in your work we will send you a note saying what we found as bullying, but you are welcome to change it then send it again. Due to us having to do this, it will now take longer to post things, specifically written pieces. If you send in a written piece, understand it may take many days before it's uploaded. With that being said, reported posts are under review. Please continue to report posts that are bullying so that we can take them down. If you need to contact us, please email at and we will get back to you asap! Thank you to the majority of you for being great and responsible users!


We sent this post so we can hopefully keep Noah from outing us, at least on the blog. Some posts have been getting reported so we had to do this anyway. Doing it now is kind of like secretly responding to Noah. 

Freddy's POV

Just a few minutes after sending out the note, we get our first email on CONTACTaahsblog... From Noah.

You know who I am,

but how do I know?

What's lost must be found,

And, well, I did so. 

We all try to figure out what it means. None of us have any idea what it means. Tomika says, "Lost and found, what does that mean?" Suddenly it clicks. Lost and found. The necklace he got her, the necklace I bought that got lost. I take out my phone and make a group chat. I text, "Summer your necklace, the one he got you. Give it to me!" (picture at top if you don't remember) She hesitates, but eventually takes it off and gives it to me. Sure enough, in one of the holes is a small microphone. I curse under my breath as I show them. Zack texts, "How did he even get that in there?" I shrug. I text, "hammer." Summer gets one and I go outside and she follows. I smash the necklace then throw it away.

We sit on her porch swing and talk.  "How did you know," she asks, "about the necklace?"

I hesitate then respond, "A while back, before Noah, I bought you that necklace. It went missing and I couldn't find it, I figured it was stolen. I guess it ended up in the lost and found and somehow he knew I knew." She looks forward and slowly nods. God she looks beautiful.

Tomika's POV

"They're taking a while to come back," Zack smirks.

"Shut up," I say, working on the blog. My alarm goes off. "Time to go." 

We all walk outside. I try to say goodbye and walk away, but Summer pulls me back. "No, Tomika, we're all gonna walk you home," she tells me. I smile as she put's her arm around my shoulder as Zack takes my hand and Freddy takes hers. Lawrence and Esme hold hands and walk behind us.

Noah's POV

Good... They fell for it!

A/N Short chapter but I hope you still enjoy it! Thank you for the support on the last chapter's! It was hard to put something so personal out there, so thank you. As always, I hope you liked it 👍 Thanks for reading 📖 Please vote and comment ⭐️Give me feedback ❤️❤️ Until next time ✌️

Word count: 756

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