Chapter Twenty-Eight - Violet

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A face Theodore trusted for years.


Despite the bruising hold around my throat, the shock at seeing Archie standing there is enough to send bolts of adrenaline racing through my body and bring my senses back.

'You! We trusted you! You killed him!'

'Theodore had valuable information I needed and refused to give it to me,' Archie says, his grip on my throat loosening just enough to allow me to breathe again although there is no way I can wriggle free. 'If he had just cooperated, and you stayed out of it, we would not be here now.' He shakes his head, his face a picture of raw regret. Then he glances back to Max. 'Maximillian, it has been a long time.'

'Let her go, Archie, killing her won't get what you want.'

It registers in the back of my mind that Max is aware of Castlemain's true name and I try to sort through all the times they almost met. How did they keep missing each other? And what does it mean that my lives are so tangled up between these two men? How long have they known each other?

'Perhaps. But you interfering in my plans has become troublesome. It is time to choose one of them to die.'

'Choose?' Max's voice echoes with forced boredom but even I do not miss the way his eyes keeping darting between me and Archie, as though he is calculating how to get me away from his nemesis. 'You won't be able to kill Reed from there. Even with your talents.'

Archie gives an amused chuckle. Bordering on super-villain laugh. How did I never notice before he could be so cold and cruel? 'I was not referring to the Mayor.' He nods to someone behind Max that I cannot see because the doorway is in darkness, but they enter the room, two more armed men, and one of them is dragging a young woman whose face I recognise even under the dirt and dried blood.


Similarly to Marshall she has purpling bruises across her cheekbone and blood in the corner of her mouth. Her usually golden hair is tangled and dirty, her hands are tied together. She is conscious and when they get closer she raises her head, her eyes are ringed with red and yet her expression is clear. She hates me. Loathes me. I am the reason she is here. They force Celia to know knees and one of them presses the gun to her temple. She does not tremble.

I no longer feel the crush of Archie's hand at my throat. All I can see is Celia and the look of betrayal and anger on her face. And now, here she is, Castlemain's captive. A pawn to be used against me and Max. She or I, or both of us, are going to die tonight and the last thing she will believe is that I betrayed her.

'So who will it be?' Archie asks Max coolly, 'your ex-girlfriend, or her best friend: the hero you fell in love with?'

Max's entire body has tensed up as he realises what Archie is doing. I want to tell Archie he is wrong about Max. He doesn't care about anyone. We are partners, nothing more. A team-up that needed to happen to bring down a common enemy. But all I can think about is Celia. If she dies now because of me I will carry that in my soul for the rest of my life.

'Archie,' Max says, 'this is about me and you. Not them. Please... let them go. You win, okay?' He raises his hands, the universal sign of defeat.

'Choose, or both of them will die.' He squeezes my throat and I make a choking sound as the pressure returns.

'Wait.' For the first time Max's voice cracks. He sounds almost... desperate. 'What if I gave you the file on Meridian?'

Archie pauses. 'You have it?'

'Not here, but-'

'Stop wasting my time,' Archie sneers. His interest is gone as quickly as it flared up. He nods to the man with the gun and suddenly increases his grip on my throat incredibly tight. There is a rushing sound in my ears and I can feel my vision begin to blur as the oxygen is cut off. I can hear Archie say, 'then both will die-'


I am only faintly aware of a gun going off, as everything goes black and I lose consciousness. But then the pressure around my throat is gone, and I feel as though I am floating in and out of light. I can hear the sounds of destruction, things being torn apart and smashed. Someone is saying my name and touching my face, shaking me gently. I open my eyes.

I am deeply aware of the air flooding my lungs, though I can still feel the ghost of Archie's fingers crushing my neck. Marshall's face looms above me, he is holding my head in his lap. I open my mouth to speak but my throat hurts too much so I close it again.

'You need medical attention,' Marshall says to me, gently, over the the sounds of destruction exploding around us.

I push him off me and sit up abruptly. Everything spins like when you drink too much and I can feel Marshall's hand on my back, steadying me. When everything stops spinning I finally see the source of the chaos: Max and Archie are fighting each other, moving so fast I can barely keep up with their movements. They are punching and kicking, throwing each other all over the place, destroying everything in their way. But I am alive. Which means-


I struggle to my feet even though Marshall is protesting loudly that I need to wait for the paramedics. Everything spins again but I barely notice. I force myself forward to where I last saw Celia. And then I stop, my legs crumbling under me, as I fall to my knees.

Her body is motionless on the ground, long blonde hair streaked with blood and covering her face. I closed my eyes to block out the sight but it is too late. My body refuses to move. Guilt and grief crashes over me like a heavy wave. Ten times stronger than what I felt when Theodore died. Celia is my best friend, I love her. She is my true family. And this is all my fault. I could have tried harder to save her but I was so caught up in my role as Justice... and now it is too late. My best friend. Celia. My hand reaches for her's.

Archie and Max crash through one of the outer walls and tumble outside into the inky night. SCO19 officers charge into the power station, rounding up the men that Max knocked out earlier.

I am vaguely aware of Marshall walking to me, then putting his arm around me and trying to propel me away from Celia's body. I don't want to leave her. I refuse to let go. I feel as though I am a passenger in the seat of my own body as I am taken outside. I think someone tries to offer me a sedative but Marshall fends them off. And then he is also protecting me from Cutter when she descends with her suspicious face and many, many questions. He allows only the paramedics to touch me as they examine my throat, their advice that it may be some time before I can speak again blowing away in the wind as I watch Shelley being arrested.

A trolley with a body bag is rolled past me and I am instantly thrown back to a similar moment at the City Hall when they brought in the bag to remove Theodore's body. Thoughts flood through me. Guilt. Like a tidal wave. If I had stopped Castlemain sooner both Theodore and Celia would still be alive.

Marshall guides me in and out of the whole process, a steady hand in mine, or arm around my shoulder. I allow myself to be moved only because I am unsure if I am capable of doing anything right now. It is only later that I realise since Archie removed my mask everyone can see my true identity, but somehow no one cares. After what feels like hours he allows Cutter to approach me, she informs me coolly that since the contract which made Justice "illegal" has mysteriously vanished they are not going to arrest me on this occasion. She also advises me that both Ghoul and Castlemain have completely vanished.

I am alone.

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