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Well connor is quitting o2l.

Now I wouldn't say quitting or leaving or saying goodbye. goodbye means he's leaving. And leaving means gone.

He was depressed for 6 months, 24 Mondays, and 48 videos but no one noticed. No one seemed to realize how he was feeling. He was hiding behind that silly little smile. If someone had asked him what was wrong I wonder if he would tell the truth or just not answer.

I love connor to the end of the universe and back. He is an inspiration to everyone and people should take example upon him. He is a great idol to have and even though he was depressed he still managed to make me smile. I have cried for what it feels like forever. No one could ever take his place in o2l and it will never be the same. If he wants to come back Monday will always he here for him.

During school he was the reason I loved going to school on monday. When everyone else hated it I couldn't wait to go home and watch his video see his face and smile.

Nothing will ever change how amazing he is even in 4,000 years from now.

If o2l changes their days so ricky has Monday Sam has Tuesday ect.

I will personally search all over la every single street and beg them to change it back with tears in my eyes. I will plead them to change the days, Monday is still Connors day and it always will be. It just won't be as frantastic. I can still hear him in his last video and it kills me to know he's been sad. It's scary what a simple smile can hide. It keeps replaying in my head " I will end with the outro you all seem to love for one last time ahshishesbis bye. *puts hand over lense* *uncovers it* I love you guys" it's like the ending to my favorite book I don't want it to end.

But his happiness is all I care about if it makes him happy then he should leave. But if someone takes his spot I will never watch o2l again. He left ok I get it he needs to be happy but no one better take frantastic Monday. I don't want o2l the thing that makes me so happy fall apart.

I love connor and he deserves to smile for real

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