Dont back down

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Some people are going to judge you and that's not ok they want to bring you down and make sure you don't get back up but don't stoop down to their level they are meant to be there and bring you down but your don't gonna let them your stronger and no one can deprive you from your hope; Hope that things will get better and things will change. Here's a story for you guys

Some people were bringing me down on a daily basis. So I avoided them right? Wrong. I was depressed for a long time and sometimes I still am. But there's 6 people that keep me from that. But they don't know I exist;So it's hard I understand but In everything their is a way to be happy even for that one second. These 6 people are cameron nash hayes matthew Jacob and taylor. They bring a smile to my face. Just watching them live their dream. I may be just another fan to them but to me they are my everything. Things will get better I promise. Everything will turn around and it's gonna be hard but you will walk out triumphantly with a sword. You will show everyone that you made it to the rainbow and you passed that storm.

There's so many things that could brighten a mood or make you happy. For example I wanna go to vidcon next year. But my parents think it's a stupid little 3 night thing with stupid people. And you may agree. But I don't. They don't understand that they mean everything to me and but a smile on my face when I'm faking it. They don't understand our generation at all but they think they do. That's all I'm saying they don't understand.

Your worth it and it may be hard but I'll help you the whole way and be here for you. Day and night

I love you

Don't forget that please

If your feeling alone remember I went through it too expect ally when my dad died In 2009. I'm here

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