note 3#

442 12 0

Dear Jung Hoseok of locker 2002

In response to your requested repeat letter to Min Yoongi I would like to inform you of his reply and give you the opportunity to send me any requests for the repeat letter. Replies to be left in locker 752 as always
Attached to this note is Min Yoongi's response
Thank you for using my service as always.

Repeat letter form

Name: Min Yoongi
Additional information/requests: he plays piano beautifully let him know I love that. Also the way his eyes light up whenever it rains makes me smile because he loves such odd things.
Preferred delivery day: asap
Repeat letter...yes
Locker no of recipient: 863

I would never joke in such a way with you. You mean too much to me. The way you are so passionate of what you do is inspiring and makes me want to hold you tight although if I were to do such a thing it would mean I couldn't hear you play piano so beautifully. You're odd quirks make me smile because they make you you and I love you.

Keep smiling at the rain xx -anonymous

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