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It was a typical day with the family, they dragged me out of me room to go shopping. When it was raining!, I knew it was a bad idea but I kept quite and just agreed to go with them. If I hadn't of we wouldn't of gone out and my family would still be alive... Yes, I blame myself for this, because it was my fault I was the one yelling at my brother. It distracted both my parents causing my dad to take his eyes off the road for a couple of seconds. Them couple of seconds were fatal, It had to of been them few seconds that a drink driver; driving at about 70mph, drove onto the other side of the road hitting the car I was in, causing our car to go into the ditch on the side of the road. Killing my mum, dad, brother and my baby sister, it put me into a coma for about 3 weeks according to the doctors.

The driver was also killed from going through the windscreen. (he wasn't wearing a seatbelt)

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