~The Greatest Showman AU~

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Pick which couple you want Character/OC and OC/Character to be: Charity X Barnum or Anne X Philip.

For people who have never seen 'The greatest showman' it's a movie musical about P.T Barnum and him creating the circus. Also, it has a awesome soundtrack and you should listen to it.

In the movie, there are two couples:
Barnum X Charity and Anne X Philip.

If you want to do Barnum X Charity:

This starts off as when OC/Character and Character/OC are children.
OC/Character is a eight year old kid. They're poor, often pushed around by their father, and dreams of a ambitious dream of making something that makes others happy. Character/OC is a year younger than OC/Character. They're wealthy, A little rebellious, and has to always be taught to be a lady/gentleman. One day, OC/Character and their father visit Character's/OC's home, where OC/Character notices Character/OC being taught something lady-like or gentleman-like, and OC/Character tries to impersonate that, making Character/OC laugh and for OC/Character to be slapped by Character's/OC's father, telling them to stay away from his daughter/son. That doesn't stop the two from sneaking out and horsing around on the beach and in a abandoned house. As the years go on, Character/OC is forced to go to a boarding school, OC's/Character's father dies from an illness, And OC/ Character becomes a orphan living on the streets. However, the two manage to write to each other despite their struggles. One day, when they're older, they're dancing around on a rooftop when all of a sudden, OC/Character proposes to Character/OC. They get married, and have two children. OC/Character opens a museum one day, but it eventually turns into a circus that has a bunch of people against it. OC/Character becomes so absorbed in fame and the circus that he misses important parts in their children's lives. OC's/Character's and Character's/OC's relationship, once unstoppable, falls apart. One day, Character/OC leaves OC/Character because of a tabloid in a pape saying that OC/Character had a affair with a Swedish opera singer,(Character). But in the end, they forgive each other and OC/Character gives the show to (Character 2), so they can be with their husband/wife and raise their kids.

If you want to do Philip X Anne:

Character/OC is one of the attractions at (Character)'s circus, doing trapeze acts with their brother. OC/Character, (same Character that runs the circus)'s platonic partner, notices Character/OC and falls for them. Character/OC falls for OC/Character too, but they act cold to Character/OC because OC/Character is (race), and that race is frowned upon by others in that time, so they keep their feelings hidden for OC/Character.
One day, the circus catches on fire due to a protestor, and OC/Character runs in so they can save Character/OC. They end up saving Character/OC, but ends up passed out from the smoke, causing OC/Character to end up in the hospital. While OC/Character is in the hospital, Character/OC never leaves OC's/Character's bedside. When OC/Character wakes up a week later, the two embrace and share a kiss, becoming a couple.

(I love this movie so much aaa-)

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