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More CONTESTO very grandeo! (Translation: GET A FUCKING BOOK TO TRANSLATE IT. Jk, More Contests very big!) ((not good grammar, nor proper Spanish.))

Okay, so, I'm tired of this cover. I need a new one! *throws a fit* just kidding! But, seriously, painters, get your brushes ready! I need new cover art!

(Hold on, read this first)

It has to include Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and their daughter AppleCloud, and must say,"By Spiderwhick," and have the title,"lead me home."

(read the whole thing)

The Dead line is next Tuesday, @12:00pm (that's during the day) July 15, 2014. That gives you a week to do it. I will update normally through this contest.

As for getting it to me, you could do one of any of these things:

Gmail- (no caps)

Kik- (caps where intended) Crystal_TCA

Instagram- (no caps) @derpy_official (direct message me the art)

Skype- (no caps) derpy_official (also if you'd like to see me if your not going to BronyCon!)

Rules are as follows:

-no sexual shit. I have a book here not an incest graphic porno.

-no hate

-no religious crap

-no satanic symbols (why'd you put it there though?)

Winner's picture will be made the cover of the story, and will receive credit.

So submit your art, and may the best pet wi- erm- cover win!


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