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You have got to be fucking kidding.

Toby shoots the large man in front of him with his last bullet.

"What the hell do you mean you almost had her?" Toby roars at the skinny man who is beside the body. He trembles in fear, not knowing that the gun is empty.

"We sent three men at the hotel and one of them reported back that they found her!"


This man is telling him nothing but lies.

Toby presses the trigger and the man flinches, as nothing comes out.

"I send you to do one, little, easy job, and you shitheads can't even get that right! I'm becoming very impatient and this hospital already bores me!" He drops the gun on the ground.

"I want you to find my two hatches. They are locked up somewhere in here, I know that for a fact." He pauses while glaring at the skinny man. "I trust that you can at least do that."

"Oh yes!" He quickly responds, "I have been in here longer to know where they have hidden them! I know, I know!" He leaves the room quickly while keep saying the words, "I know!"

Toby couldn't sit.

He can't wait any longer.

Already a day has passed and nobody still found her. It's like she's toying with him.

What if she's already dead? What if she committed suicide already?


If so, all this shit Toby did was useless. If he knew better, he would have waited. He wanted Dr. Harp's mind breaking in fear for him. He wants to change that smug - look on her face.

He wants...

He wants her to himself. To play with. To test.

Or just to fuck.

He smiles while coming across that thought. It's not normal for him to think that way, but he should be sure that if she's alive, she couldn't have gone without getting fucked by one of the patients.

If so, then damn. This woman must be more than a doctor. Sort of makes him wonder who he really is dealing with.

"Toby," Toby stares at a man who never met before.

"Who are you?" Toby ask him.

The young man chuckles, "someone who can help you get who you want."


"Alright sleeping beauty, get up!"

"For the seventh time, I am up!" I snap back at him.

"Oh really, so you were just resting your eyes?" He swings the pillow down at me again and I catch it.

"I'm awake," I sit up and glare at the ludicrous man. "You have some nerve hitting my face with this," I snatch the pillow out of his hands.

"Did you fucking forget that we are trapped here with those fucking assholes? We need to get out of here!" He glares at me with both hands crosssd in his chest.

"What happen?" I ask quickly while scoping the room.

"Relax, no one is coming, but I've been hearing voices and I swore I heard your name."

Hm, that must me Angeal.

"So we need to move before we get found o -" I couldn't help but to slap him across his face.

"What the hell?" He covers his left cheek with his hand.

"For a minute there, I swore you said no to worry, and now you are panicing because you are hearing voices? You really need to calm down." I say softly.

Reclusion (A Ticci Toby Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now