02 ⌛Untimely⌛

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"Some are bound to die a fated death but there are a few some that dies an untimely death.



"Female, Caucasian-"

"T-that's doctor Reynolds. What happened?"

"She is scheduled to have a surgery after an hour for a teenager. How could this happen?"

"She's the kid's only hope. . . "

The gossips of the nurses drowned the sound of the heavy raindrops that pelted mercilessly on the asphalt.

A frown was slowly forming on Horaine's facial expression. She was not in the mood to do anything other than finishing her check up for that day. Her eyes flitted between the water puddle forming on the gutter and the strecher being pulled out of an ambulance. She was hesitant.

"She doesn't deserve to die."

"Why do good people often die early?"

"Shhh. She's still not dead idiots."

The words created a soft vibration in her throat but she suppressed it with a smile. A smile that made her flinch as a pang of pain coursed through her lower lip.

She sighed.

She almost forgot what she came here for. Looking around the emergency entrance, her best friend Blanca was still nowhere in sight so she finally decided to get her gig over and done with. There was nothing else better to do rather than waiting. She hates waiting.

It only took a snap of her fingers and the surrounding automatically stood still. All the commotion stopped at once. Not even the air dared to make a swishing sound. Thousands, if not millions, of rain droplets stopped mid-air, hanging like water beads shaped like teardrops.

Everything and everyone were frozen in time. No one was moving except for one person...

Horaine made her way towards the strecher not caring about the rain water that sooked her dress as she passed by it. She stepped closer to the bloodied woman and commanded, "rise and tell me what you want."

An incorporeal outline emerged from the disfigured body. It had the same face as the woman on the strecher but she could see right through her.

A mirage.

A soul.

She looked at Horaine in confusion, her eyes mirrors of someone who was really freaked out and scared.

"Are you—are you an angel of death?" The woman asked and then gasped when she saw the horrible sight beside her. "Oh my god, I'm really dead."

"Technically, not yet. Just give me a sec." Horaine motioned for her to keep quiet, in which the she obediently complied, "Thanatos! Just get your lazy butt here."

A black smoke formed, in an arms length away in front of them, outlining a figure of a man. It only took a couple of minutes for it to mould into someone who was about six feet tall, long black hair and wearing faded jeans matched with black tee-shirt.

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