Chapter 1

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 I set the table, ready to call my father down for supper when a knock came at the door. I opened it, expecting to see a messenger.

Instead, Apelquengshi stood on the other side.

She donned a plump red dress with red heels. Upon her head were long blonde curls. She had the palest skin I had ever seen.

"Ravkren," she asked, "do you know where Roseadel is? I haven't seen her all day."

I shook my head.

"No, why?"

She slapped both hands over her lips.

"You don't think she was... kidnapped? Do you?"

I scoffed. That was preposterous! Again, I shook my head, unable to keep my true feelings hidden.

"No one in Holyndraa would ever think of doing that," I told her, "besides, there are no other kingdoms around that would do anything of that nature."

She lowered her hands to her sides.

She stared into my green orbs, her own far more serious than I had ever seen her before.

"What about Angéltorak?"

Bewildered, my eyes narrowed.

"What are you talking about?"

"Angéltorak," she repeated, "the kingdom ruled by a vicious faerie?"

My heart sank.

I had forgotten about that kingdom ever since our king ordered our memories be wiped clean.

I shuddered as I began to recall something rather frightening.

The war was brutal.

"The faerie queen would have no use for any of us, after all, we are not of her kind," I told her.

She shook her head.

"I just have a feeling she is there, knights are searching all of Holyndraa for her. Besides, absolutely no outsiders are allowed in freely."

I gulped.

What if Apelquengshi was right? What if Roseadel really was captured by the warriors of Angéltorak?

I suddenly received an idea.

"Meet me at the old church at sunset."

She nodded, skipping away down the dirt road.

I ate supper in silence, too shaken by our theories and thoughts.

I sat in my room, awaiting the sun's slumber. The whole while, my mind kept flickering to the kingdom of Angéltorak. Slowly, my memory began to rekindle the ashes of what the elf and faerie world once was.

I glanced out my window. The boulders, they were just beyond the hills. The Spear Hills. Any soul of Holyndraa who had ever crossed over the hills' crest has never returned.

I stifled a yawn. For hours, my eyes were glued to the boulders miles away.

I rushed to the decrepit building, running inside. Apelquengshi was already waiting for me in one of the pews.

I sat down beside her.

"What is this about?" she asked timidly.

I sucked in a large gulp of air. I had so much time to think about what I planned to say. She waited, my pounding heart the only noise battling against the swords of silence.

As my lips parted, my nervousness was squashed.

"Tonight," I told her confidently, "we are fleeing Holyndraa."

She gasped, slapping both hands over her mouth.

"Ravkren, you know the punishment if we are caught," she hissed.

I sat down beside her, placing a hand upon her knee.

"This is for Roseadel," I whispered, "I know full well the king won't do anything."

She stared at me, her face falling.

"Roseadel's body was found near the crest of the Spear Hills, didn't you hear?"

Appalled, I shot up. How dare she say something so untruthful?

"What in the name of the goddesses are you talking about?" I demanded.

"A boy, Huntreken, led soldiers to the body," she rasped, defeated, "her funeral is to be held tonight in the middle of the castle courtyard. We cannot miss it."

I muttered various profanities. I ran my fingers through my hair. I knew it was a lie.

"We have no time to waste," I protested.

Apelquengshi stood up. Tears teetered upon the rim of her eyelids.

"Get it through your thick skull! Roseadel is dead!" she raved.

Before I could breathe, she fled from my sight.

I fell onto the pew. I sobbed into the cushion. Why did she not believe me?

I sobbed for hours, bawling until I could no more.

Upon raising my head, I desired oh so much to scream.

Everyone was gathered in the castle courtyard, encircling a casket. I could stifle it back no longer. I screamed into my pillow; a pure cry of rage.

Those galls were lying to everyone!

But, not me. 

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