Chapter Two

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Chapter Two

Detention was possibly the most painful torture a teenager could ever endure. To be honest, it should be completely illegal.

Now, I wasn't exactly in detention yet, I was actually sitting in my last period class, pre-calculus. I was actually pretty good at math, one of the top students out of my whole junior class. Classes like U.S history and science, though, weren't for me. Trying to remember everything that dated back to before cell phones and cars were invented was painfully hard to remember and excruciatingly boring, and I just didn't care enough to learn about the bodily functions of humans and animals. Some people found it way more interesting than others, me being included in the 'others.'

The only reason I was thinking about my future in detention was because I hated sitting in silence. And the cherry on top of that would be sitting in complete silence for two hours with kids that I didn't even know. Detention probably would have been less boring if one or two of my friends were there with me, but today I was in there on my own and solitary. In addition to that, I would be catching up on the six paragraph essay I had to make up for not doing. Great.

Our pre-calculus teacher, Mr. Reynolds, suddenly started passing out worksheets to everyone. I had been so completely drowned in my thoughts that I didn't even hear a word he had said. He found his way to my desk and handed me the paper.

"Thanks." I said. He nodded with a smile and kept it moving.

All of the girls swooned over him as if he was a piece of meat and they were starving lions. I would see the girls before class push their bras up and lower their shirts so that he could get a good view. Even the few gay guys that we had in our class would make sure they freshened up before coming to class, in hopes that Mr. Reynolds had one homosexual bone in his body. And I, for one, found it completely hilarious because he totally ignored each and every one of them.  They were lucky enough if he even glanced their way when they called his name over and over again.

Mr. Reynolds was a completely hot teacher, with his pushed back dark hair, hazel colored eyes, biceps and never aging skin, but I didn't see him like that. He was more of a big brother to me. I would even stay after class and we would have our regular afternoon conversations about what was going on in our lives and make jokes about the desperate girls and guys that would attempt to flirt with him. He was pretty cool. I was very lucky because we had even exchanged phone numbers to continue our conversations out of class, but not a soul knew that. Not even Jamie. We wouldn't flirt or anything, just sending memes back and forth and making jokes.

"Class, you have until the end of this period to work on these worksheets." He announced. "Once the bell rings, I want all of your papers in the basket so that I can collect them and grade them. You may begin."

Susie Oliver's hand shot up right before he could turn his back and walk away to his desk. She was one of the main girls that would make sure she showed some extra skin before coming to this class. Her and her friends would gossip about Mr. Reynolds and even discuss what they would do if they had a night alone with them. I wouldn't be surprised if she only raised her hand to ask him if he were free tonight.

"Yes, Susie?"

She batted her eyelashes and sent him a flirtatious smile before she spoke. "Will you be assisting us if we need extra help on this? I might really need it."

What you need is to stop being such a-

"If you need extra help, maybe Jennifer could help you."

Wait, what?

"She's very good at this, and she's sitting right next to you. Saves you the extra walking." He said, and I gave him a death glare, which only made him smile in amusement.

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