Thank you for reading

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Okay guys, so ... the story is over now. I knew it the moment I started the last chapter. My brain just told me that it is enough for the moment. At least for this book.

I actually do have enough ideas for a second book about you and Loki, a sequel of this story but I really need to know that anyone actually enjoyed reading this story because I'm not sure that anyone did.

There may be an epilog if I decide to write this and not a sequel.

This was my very first english fanfiction and the first book I wrote on Wattpad that I actually finished. I'm a bit proud of myself (no, I'm not).

I also have an idea for

- a Thor x reader fanfiction (there seem to barely exist any good ones and I'm into Thor too. I already started writing, just to let you know)

- a Dr. Strange fanfiction (I will not go into detail because I don't want my ideas to be stolen)

- a story only about shapeshifting and wolfs and stuff but I fear no one would actually read this and I would lose motivation halfway through

- a Jurassic World/Park fanfiction because the new movie was very inspiring (loved it, worth watching. If it wasn't 3d I would probably rewatch it)

I really enjoyed writing this. Have a nice day, maybe we will read again.

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