Chapter 26

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"And I say to people that's my lady and we don't need nothing e-e-else"

- 10 years later-

"And that's how your father fell in love with me the trust fund baby." I smiled brightly at my thirteen year old daughter Emory.

I just finished explaining my story and it's getting late. I can't believe we sat here for a couple of hours and she didn't get up and walk away.

"It's ironic how the song is about not wanting a trust fund baby yet dad still fell in love with you." Emory remarked as she looked over at the huge tv plastered on the wall revealing the video from about ten years ago.

The day they performed trust fund baby in front of the school. It was a video Zach found on his laptop as he was bonding with Emory and showing memories to her. To be honest I wished that video was never made but it was and for some reason Zach held on to it. It just brought back too many memories.

"Yeah that's why you don't stereotype people." I continued on trying to find her a message my daughter could learn from.

"Yeah yeah. Don't want your heartfelt message," she blabbed rolling her eyes. "But one question."

"Yes?" I smile, raising an eyebrow.

"How many times have you told this story." She  asked.

"Maybe a few," I mumbled glancing up at the ceiling. I thought about that one time when when I had to babysit those kids. Welp it got them to sleep fast.

"Gosh no wonder no one wants to be friends with you," She droned on spinning around in her seat a little.

"Well I like to tell people about my man," I smirked just thinking about him. Those big eyes and that smirky smile. Ah melts my heart still.

"First of all, ew." She scrunched up her face like she was disgusted. "Second of all I literally asked what a trust fund baby was not your love story."

"Well I thought you wanted to know," I shrug my shoulders.

I mean, I walked in our house from work. I saw Zach and her sitting on the couch when she asked that question. So I sat down and explained. Maybe a little thoroughly.

"You also found it necessary to include dad to explain his side of the story too." She responded, getting up from her seat. "You have wasted my time."

"Wow you're so sweet," I snarly replied putting my hand to my chest.

"I guess I'll just have to tell Zach, that the trip to Paris next week, will just be some alone time for him and I to have some fun." I winked at Emory as I got up from my seat too and started to walk away.

"No no no. I wanna go," She whined grabbing my arm as she begged.

"That's what I thought," I laughed as she now tried to hug me.

"I love you daddy, but I'm going to bed and trying not to think about the images in my head of what you and dad could possibly mean by fun." She pulled away from my arms as she head toward the stairs.

"I love you too, sweetheart." I said watching her wave to me as she walked up the stairs.

Soon after she left I turned everything off that was on in the house as I was headed to bed too. It was quiet now and I smiled to myself and thought about how happy my life is. Even though it might not be perfect it's the way I've wanted it to be.

I soon enter the room I shared with Zach to see him turned on his side, laying on the bed. I smiled as I took off my shirt and pants, throwing them in the hamper in the corner of the room. Because you know OCD will kick in if I just threw my clothes on the floor.

I got in the bed and pulled the covers over me too. I wrapped my arms around Zach getting cozy in a certain way as I pulled him closer.

I felt Zach shift in my arms and he turned toward me. Through the dark, I could still see Zach big eyes stare at me with his little smile.

"Did you finish telling her the story," he whispered nuzzling his head closer into my shoulder. I felt his body move closer under the covers.

"Yeah she was being little Miss. Sassy. But I don't know if she enjoyed it," I spoke lowly as our whispers were the only thing heard.

"Hey, she might not have acted like she did, but when I was in there, I saw that sparkle in her eyes that she was intrigued. Plus she has a short attention span so for her to sit there and listen was great." He reassured as I felt his hand rise up to the side of my face softly touching it.

"I know," I smiled softly loving his words he always tells me at night. When we're finally alone together.

"Baby, if that's not enough, think of it this way. We got us, our family, and we don't need nothing else. We're living the life we wanted Dani," he continued to whisper staring back into my eyes as I did his.

"You're right, and you know you mean the world to mean right?" I pressed my lips on his and I feel him kiss back as his hand still rests on my face.

"Yes I know because the feelings mutual," he smiled as he pulled away from my lips. "I love you."

"I love you too."

The end.

So that's the end of Trust Fund Baby. I hope you enjoyed this Zaniel story as much I did. If y'all don't know I based it off the song that I fell in love with when they didn't give me the album.

So if you want to read more of my stuff I'm writing a Zorbyn story, SWEET INNOCENT ANGEL. And finishing my Jachary story, LOVER BOY.

I love all of y'all dearly. Yesh, you bring me smiles for dayzzzish!!  💜

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