Three- All's Fair

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"Do you have all your binders?"

I groaned, before nodding.

I didn't understand the point in summer school, it was STUPID.

Sure, I got mostly C's and D's, but I didn't want to be a fucking teacher, I liked to paint, and make sculptures, I wanted to be an artist, and last time I checked; I didn't need to know what the multiple of x is in art.

'Yes Mom, shouldn't you be with your boyfriend?' She sighs before reaching over, and putting her hand on top of mine, with a concerned look planted on her face.

'Sweetie, I just want what's best for you, have a good day.'

I smile before walking out, and beginning my walk to school. 

'Ms. Wheatley, what an honor to have you finally arrive' The teacher snorted, he looked like he could be my grandfather.

'Sorry, I had to walk' I mumble, I didn't want to get on his bad side, even if I was pissed.

'I'm sure this won't be happening again.'

I nod, before finding a seat at the back, and putting my bag down next to the chair.

'Hey, I'm Hayes' A blonde, attractive guy whispers to me.

I smirk, before sitting down.

'Maya.' I reply, with a smile on my face.

He smirks back at me before turning his attention back to the board.

Finally, it was lunch. I sat down at a table with no one at it, close to the back of the room.

I pulled out my notebook and I began to doodle.

I didn't even realize I was drawing Alex. 

What the hell was wrong with me?

I groaned, realizing the prick had gotten into my head.

I still couldn't believe he got a boner from me.

I was going to be his step-daughter!

And my Mom didn't even notice! I had to tell her, didn't I?

I nod to myself, as if I was agreeing with my own thoughts.

I probably looked like some freak.

'Hey!' A girl said, as she put her tray down on the table, before sitting down across from me. She was a blonde, clearly not a natural, she had bright blue eyes, and olive skin. She was gorgeous.

'I'm Hazel!' The girl said, in an energetic tone. She reached her hand out, to shake mine. 

'I'm Maya.' I reply, with a smile on my face.

I always was told I was a nice kid, and trust me; my mother couldn't have cared less. She was more concerned with how I looked. Priorities, am I right?

'I love your name! So, summer school sucks, am I right?' She giggles, before shoving fries down her throat. 

For how skinny she was, she could surely eat.

I nod before saying 'Yeah, I'm not really that smart, but my Mom probably just wanted me out of the house for the summer.' I shrug.

She frowns, 'Same with my dad, he has a girlfriend who's like my age, I'm sure they're sexing it up right now.' She rolls her eyes.

'Same with my mom, her boyfriend's like-'

'A model?'


She smiles 'My mom and him got divorced when I was eight, my dad cheated on her.'

I frown sympathetically. 'I'm sorry.'

She shrugs before continuing 'Not your fault, not like you were the other women. He has a new girl in the house like every week, sometimes I get so scared they'll have sex in my bed, that I lock the door' She giggles.

Hazel and I talked for the rest of lunch, eventually swapping numbers.

She was super nice, and funny.

The day went by pretty slowly.

Eventually, I began to walk home.

As soon as I opened the door, I had the delightful sight of Alex.


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