Four-Caught Red Handed

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'Oh shit!'  Alex screamed before putting his hands over his...

Junior Alex?

I scream in horror.

'Put on some pants!' I scream

'What's all this noise, baby?' A light female's voice said.


No, then out of the room comes, my mother in a light pink see-through nightgown, her lingerie showing.

Her mouth forms into an o at the sight of me, she instantly throws her robe at Alex. 

'Maya-' My mother begins

I stop her 'Don't bother. You and your fiance had some fun. I'll go somewhere else for the night. Don't worry' I snort, trying to hide my sadness with a look of anger.

Alex attempts to talk, but my mother just shakes her head sadly and walks back into her room.

I was pissed to say the least.

There was this feeling in my stomach...Was I jealous of my Mother? That's disgusting...

I couldn't be. Could I?

I start walking, out of instinct not realizing I was walking to the graveyard, not just any graveyard, the one my real father's burred at. My memories of him, are blurred; but they're there. He was the best, he never yelled; he always was sweet to Mom, even though she was horrible to him.

I stand over by his grave, tears flowing down my cheeks.

'I miss you dad...Mom's ENGAGED...To some guy who's not much older then me! I know, you'd be mad at me for not being happy for her, but how can I? He' YOUNG. And...attractive' I sniff before continuing, 'He's some ex model, he probably doesn't care about me, or her...he probably just likes her for her looks!' 

I sigh, before hearing foot steps behind me

'Hey.' I turn around to see the blonde, cute guy from class.


'Hello...' I murmur, with my arms on my chest, trying to hide my sadness.

'What's the matter?' He had a genuinely concerned look on his face, it made my heart melt a little bit..

'Just my stupid Mom's boyfriend.' I snap.

He smirks before walking closer to me, his hand reaching towards my cheek.

He begins to stroke my cheek, 'Wanna stay with me, tonight?' He says, in a raspy sexy voice. (lol sexy who am i) I was probably bright red at this point, I nod; trying to disguise how excited I am.

We begin to walk over to this...


'OH HELL NO!' I scream, retracting my hand from his.

He chuckles before rubbing circles down my back with his other hand.

'Just relax' He smirks

'Hold on tight, baby girl' He says before handing me a helmet' Oh great.

A ride on a death trap, my dream come true.

The ride was...bumpy to say the least. My chest was pressed up against his back the whole time, I could already tell he probably had a raging hard on.

Boys, am I right?

The thought of Alex and my Mother kept coming back to my mind, no matter how hard I tried to push it away.

'We're here!' Hayes says, with a grin on his face, as he stands up, and looks at me.

I stand up as well, as I take off my helmet. I probably had horrible hair right now, but I could care less to be honest.

'Thank you...' I murmur, before grabbing his hand tightly, he smiles shyly.

Somehow, it made me think of the photos of Alex that were online

God, why was ALEX on my mind when I am with this VERY attractive man?

I needed to get him out of my head. For good. And I knew the perfect way.

I smirk at him, before walking towards the apartment building.



I smirk, before sitting on the counter, to be honest; boys who could cook always seemed extra hot to me. And there was Hayes, cooking steak and pasta for us.

'Almost ready, Maya!' He says.

I nod my head, though he can't see me; seeing as he's pretty busy cooking our food.

Not that I wasn't completely grateful. 

I just liked Hayes, I guess.

SOOO GUYS THIS WAS A REALLLLY LATE UPDATE, BUT I MADE IT SOMEWHAT LONG I GUESS? I hope you guys like it! Comment down below your opinions!

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