Chapter 9: after the attack of beacon.

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(Venom clone POV.)

I was facing Adam, I wanted to end this quick, so I thought I try and talk to Adam while sneakily recording her with a hidden camera.

Me: "Adam, do you know what you want to do after you destroyed Beacon?"

Adam: "To make humans paid by treating them like slaves, take down Sienna Khan to become the high leader of the White Fang and crush all who stand in my way and to all Faunus!"

Me: "so, all you want is to let Faunus have what they want for a change and all humans obey your every whim and command, I have holograms, you don't have to do this."

Adam just laughs.

Adam: "ya know what's funny?"

I looked at her in confusion.

"I remembered a certain spider friend of yours saved everyone in the Schnee dust company four years ago but realised he was a little too late to save Jacques. Why don't you cross borders and join us?"

Me: "I don't think so."

Adam attacks me but it didn't do much since I have a healing factor.

Since I didn't want to get the suit out of whack, I morphed into my Deadpool form and tried to shoot her with my machine guns.

Adam tried to shoot me but I kicked her weapon's out of her hands.

Adam: "(growls) you little-"

I then shot her with a tranquilliser dart.

Adam: "what.... d...d... did.... y.. you... sh..hoot me w-with??"

Adam then slept on the floor and started snoring.

I then met the real me.

We then morphed into multiple and merged back.


(Your POV.)

I grabbed my Mega Force Morpher and morphed into my StarLord form, then I put my music on, while I blasted some Ursai and BeoWolves with my blasters.

(Reason, why I chose this Jonathan Coulton song, is because it's a very happy song about love.)

I loved the song so much I even started singing to it while I was fighting because my second favourite song helps me calm down.

Me: "🎵~cause it's gonna be the future soon and I won't always be this way. when the things that make me weak and strange get engineered away. it's gonna be the future soon, I've never seen it quite so clear. when my heart is breaking, I can close my eyes, it's already here.~🎵"

Then I saw my Wolverine, Phantom Lantern, my Dante clones & dad fighting Grimm, so I Morphed into my Iron man form so no one will recognise me.

Dad was about to get hit by an Alpha Ursa until I threw it off the bridge because Ursa's can't fly.

Me: "Are you ok, dad?"

Dad: "Yeah, I'm fine."

My clones & I look at each other, then we morphed into our multiple form, merged back and then I morphed into SpiderMan.

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