Chapter 18

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After breakfast Feliciano, with Ludwig in tow, headed down to the small garden a little ways off from the house.

"Feliciano, I really believe that it will rain soon. I don't think we should stay out here." Ludwig said, carefully watching the dreary, dark clouds that coated the sky.

"I will only be a minute. And if you are so worried about it raining, just go back inside." Feliciano replied, quickly making his way to the small garden.

As fate would have it, the second they reached the garden the heavens opened and it began to heavily pour rain. The duo immediately turned, hurrying back in the direction of the house. The rain began to pour heavier obstructing their vision. Within a second Feliciano stumbled, having misstepped into a small depression in the ground. He blindly grasped for anything in an effort to keep his balance. Unfortunately, he grabbed onto Ludwig's coat sleeve, pulling them both down into a large puddle of mud and water.

Sitting up, Feliciano immediately began snickering.

"What is it?" Ludwig huffed, a little annoyed at being completely soaked.

"You've got a little mud in your hair." Feliciano giggled, a second later bursting into laughter.

"What is it now?" Ludwig asked, trying to sound annoyed but failing, a small smile tugging at his lips at Feliciano's laughter.

"You have a little frog on your head." He laughed, pointing to the small frog.

Ludwig looked up, crossing his eyes, trying to find the frog. He reached up and gently grasped the small amphibian before releasing it in the water.

Feliciano began to calm his laughter, a smile still in place.

"Are you okay? You landed pretty hard on your back." Feliciano asked.

Ludwig nodded.

"Ja, I'm fine." He said before reaching out to Feliciano. "You have some mud on your cheek." He said, gently brushing it away.

Feliciano caught Ludwig's hand in his own.

"Your hands are warm." He mumbled, nuzzling his cheek against Ludwig's hand.

Ludwig felt a shiver go down his spine at Feliciano's actions.

"We need to get you inside, you've become completely chilled." Ludwig said.

Feliciano scooted closer.

"I'm so cold. Please make we warmer." He said softly, his hazel eyes half-lidded and dull due to the drop in his body temperature.

Ludwig's heart pounded against his chest at Feliciano's disoriented display. He pulled Feliciano to him, wrapping his arms around Feliciano's smaller frame in an attempt to warm the little brunet up. Feliciano nuzzled against Ludwig again before looking up to him. Ludwig felt his thoughts slow to a crawl. In that moment there was only Feliciano and himself, no one and nothing else mattered.

Ludwig leaned down and gently connected their lips, unknowingly allowing much of his unsaid emotions to be expressed. He could feel an answering pressure and movement from the small brunet's lips but could not be certain as to if the man was fully there. The kiss seemed to drag on for an eternity in Ludwig's mind, but still all too soon it was over. It seemed that Feliciano had become warm enough to be aware, for he broke the kiss, albeit slowly.

Feliciano pulled away from Ludwig's grasp and stood to his feet before offering a hand to Ludwig. Ludwig accepted the help up. Feliciano, clearly embarrassed, turned and hurried to the house with Ludwig right behind him.

Feliciano did not even bother to discard his dripping coat or muddy shoes when they reached the house. He called a quick, "I'm going to take a shower.", over his shoulder before he rushed up the stairs.

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