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Namjoon finally woke up when he heard the noise of the door open then close, but he didn't see yoongi walk into the room

"did he leave?" Namjoon whispered

Namjoon stood up with a blanket over his shoulders and walked to the door

"what are you doing out of bed honey buns?" Yoongi said looking at Namjoon from his phone

Namjoon jumped in surprise but he let out a cough too

"what y-you're here?" Namjoon said looking at yoongi with his eyes widened

"yeah i'm fucking  here" Yoongi said

"i-i thought you left" Namjoon said as he walked towards yoongi 

 "go to bed i will be there in a bit" Yoongi said finally

"but i don't wanna" Namjoon whined

Yoongi snapped his fingers then pointed to the room

"go to bed" yoongi said slowly in a deep voice

Namjoon didn't say anything he just sprinted to his room, and went into his bed and tried to fall asleep

after like 10 minutes yoongi went to bed, but he fell asleep with Namjoon like always, the two boys fell asleep till morning 


Namjoon woke up before yoongi did and Namjoon was back to normal he was no longer sick anymore and yoongi he's still asleep

"hey Yoongi wake the fuck up" Namjoon yelled out as he patted yoongi's cheek

Yoongi woke up and stood up

"you touched me" Yoongi said covering his cheek with his hand

"i'm not sick anymore Babe" Namjoon said

"fuck right" Yoongi said

"for real!" Namjoon said louder as he turned on the light and there his normal skin, no longer pale, his eye's were back  to brown and no longer droopy, his cheeks got its color back, and he was back to his normal tall self

Yoongi was surprised, Namjoon hugged yoongi and yoongi hugged back

"i love you Babe" Namjoon said

"i love you too Namjoon" yoongi thought but he just said

"fuck you lets go to school" yoongi said

Namjoon and yoongi ate some breakfast, when Namjoon finished he went to go change as yoongi washed the dishes

the boys finally finished everything they had to do, after that they got their backpacks and ran out the door  to school, they weren't late to school just they wanted to get there before anyone would question them

after 15 minutes they finally got to school, they went inside and walked upstairs, when they turned to the right and walked all the way to the end of the hall way and entered the classroom 

yoongi and Namjoon went  to their seats and unpacked everything and placed the study papers on the teachers desk (Ms.Ko)

they both didn't speak to anyone but Namjoon went to Jungkook's classroom and talked to him as yoongi just stayed on his phone and stayed quiet

yoongi didn't really speak to his classmates but Jin actually sat two rows from Yoongi, but Jin was in the bathroom, J hope who sat next to Jin was in the other classroom with Jungkook and Namjoon, Jimin was downstairs eating, and taehyung sat next to J hope but Taehyung was on his phone too in the classroom (he was sitting at his normal desk two rows from yoongi)

everyone sat somewhere like there was only 3 seats in the back and it was Namjoon, and Yoongi, and Mi Na, the 3 sat in the very back, and Jin, J hope, and Taehyung sat two rows from the back so they sat in the middle, and the front  only had  5 desk, Mi Na's friend sat in the 1st seat, Baekhyun sat in the 5th seat,  Sehun sat in the  2nd seat, Suho sat in the 3rd seat, and Chen sat in the 4th seat right next to Baekhyun

Yoongi was very bored so he counted how many people were in his class

Namjoon, Him, Mi Na, J hope, Jin, Taehyung, Sehun, Suho, Chen, Baekhyun, Mi Na's friend, JungJung, Ju Nu, Lee, Ja Leun, 

"hmm 15" Yoongi whispered


{who sits in the middle?}  



J hope

Ju Nu

{who sits in the back?}



Mi Na

{who sits in front of the 3 back seats?}



Ja leun 

{Who sits in the front?}





Mi Na'a friend  

{the classroom normally has bright ass lights and only the back of the classroom has one broken light so not very much light in the back, were yoongi, Namjoon, and Mi Na sit}

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