Chapter:5 sister sick

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Hey everyone:) I just wanted to thank all of you for reading:) I don't see this story going very far since it's reads are very low, I was thinking that maybe I should stop? Idk it depends I'll keep writing a couple more chapters and I'll see from there. I would love it if there was more comments that way I could see if my story is really worth continuing. VOTE COMMENT AND ADD TO READING LISTS PLEASE!!!!!!

Zayn's POV

The lads and girls retrieved the bags from the car and were waiting while Lola was trying to open the door with her hands full of groceries. I shook my head "here let me help you with that" I said while putting the groceries in one hand so that I could open the door with the other.

"Oh thank you," she muttered while looking down, "Zayn." she finished. i sent a smile to her and held the door open with my foot so that everyone could get in.

Meme stopped before me, and smirked, "I see we have a gentlemen on our hands?" she asked with one hand resting on her hip.

I shrugged while re-adjusting my foot, "after you madam." i bowed, and she curtsied.

"Why, thank you kind sir." she giggled as she step foot in the door. I chuckled and closed the door behind me and set the groceries in the kitchen, where Lola, Liam, and Meme have begun to put them away.  I walked back over to sit next to Louis. I wasn’t really paying attention to what Louis was saying until he was legit screaming in my ear.

“ZAYN….ZAYN… ZAAAAYYYYYNNNNN!!!!” I turn my head to look at him.

“Yes?” I questioned. He looked at me and pointed to Meme who, now I noticed was seated on the edge of an armchair looking at me as if she was waiting for a response. Wait- did she ask me a question?

“Zayn I asked if any of you boys need to shower or anything?” she asked me. I looked over at all the boys who were engaged into a conversation on which movie we would all watch. I decided that a hot shower would do me well. I got up from the couch to grab my clothes from by the door and follow Meme.

“Ok, um, I’m going to go and take a shower now,” I stuttered once we got into her room. Her room was painted a light shade of green it actually looked nice. It wasn’t as dirty as my sisters rooms were. My sisters, I really miss them I haven’t seen them in a long time, that’s just another one of the downfalls of being famous I guess, but I know that I wouldn’t have it any other way.

“Yeah, ok it’s just right in that door” she pointed. I nodded and made my way towards the washroom.

5-7 minutes later

I walked out of the washroom dressed in the PJs that Louis and Harry and bought for me, Meme was lying  on her bed with her earphones plugged in her ears and was bobbing her head up and down to a beat. I smiled a bit, she looked so calmed like music took her to another world so to speak.

Not wanting to disturb her I close the door very quietly but almost is if she sensed my presence she opened an eye and spoke. “Zayn? Wow that was quick.”

I walked over to her bed and sat at the foot of it. “Yeah I guess but I don’t have as long of hair as you do.” I Explained. And that’s when I really looked at her, Meme’s hair was moved to one side of her shoulder and it looked so long and soft I almost reached my hand out to touch it, is this what girls feel like when the say they want to feel Harry’s hair? Other than her hair she had also changed into PJs hers were a purple shorts and a fitted long sleeved shirt. She look cute, wait what I didn’t just say she was cute I just met her, but I still couldn’t deny that, that was exactly what she was she was cute.

“What?” she stated, while she took her earphones out of her ears.

I raised an eyebrow at her “what, what?” I asked. did I zone out again? I really need to stop that.

“Well, you were staring at me” she Uttered while looking down at her hands.

Oh my how embarrassing, I looked down at my hands and bit my like I do every time I become nervous or uncomfortable. “Well this is kind of embarrassing but I was admiring your hair…”

“My hair?” Meme asked confused now looking up from her hands.

I mentally face palmed, she’s going to think I’m some creeper or something. Oh well, might as well go with the flow. “Yeah could I try something?” I Requested.

She still looked confused but nodded her head. I smiled and scouted closer to her. I picked up her hair with my fingers and it fell right from my fingers that’s how smooth and soft it was. I smiled. I picked it up again and separated them into three separate parts. “You braid?” she asked surprised. I looked at her and smiled.

I began weaving her hair into a braid just like Waliyah showed me. “Yeah, actually not many people know, but my little sisters showed me how and so I’d braid their hair when they were little.”  I shrugged, but chuckled remembering at how long it took for me to get the hang of it.

She smiled, “You’re close to them aren’t you?” she predicted. I frowned a bit missing them again.

“Yeah, yeah I am, but I haven’t seen them in a long time, I mean sometimes I call when I get the chance but it’s not the same.” I sighed as I finished off the braid. Meme handed me the hair tie that was on her wrist.

“It’s ok Zayn, I bet they understand, I mean you went and followed you dreams and I bet your family is so proud of you.” she reassured me, and I smiled while I tied off her braid. And if I do say so myself I thought it looked pretty good.

I looked back up at her, her eyes were gleaming with something that I couldn’t quite put a name to. She ran her hands along the braid and smiled then got up to go check it out. I turned but stayed on the bed and watched her reaction through the mirror. Her face was mixed with the looks of surprise and thankfulness. “Woww…” she trailed off as she turned to try to see if from a side. She smiled and came back to sit next to me. She looked up at me from her thick eyelashes and smiled. “Thank you Zayn it looks amazing!” Meme complemented me.  She opened her arms for a hug and I couldn’t not take it. When I hugged her I felt the heat that radiated off her and I shuttered, I felt a slight spark when I hugged her. I pulled back and scouted a little farther away and I guess she felt something too because she did the same thing.

It kind of got a bit awkward after that, so I asked her if she wanted to come back out to the living room where everyone else is. We walked back side by side to see everyone in a game of Twister….

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