3. Mia :3

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@mjones: sista' sista'@jonesyk2

  💙: @jonesyk2, @edtertaining, @brycehall, and  678,235 others

@jonesk2: ((;

@edtertaining: pic creds yw

@mjones: thx love ! ^ @edtertaining

@itsnickbean: yall wildin'  @mjones @edtertaining 

@andrearusset: aww cuties!! hml boo bc imy vv much!!

@jackson_kercioch: ooo my moms!

@miajxnes: omlll goals broo

@miaxedwin: wait my parents are together??^ @mjones @edtertaining

@brycehall: yoo kay we need to hanggggg! @jonesyk2

@jonesyk2: hml then broo

@hxllexbryce: um what?^

make me smile ♡- bryce hallWhere stories live. Discover now