The Discovery

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The alarm is very loud, and it irritates me as I wake up. I reach behind the table and pull the plug, because the button on the top most portion is jammed, and as I get up a beer bottle falls to the ground. I walk to the bathroom and run the water, as I splash my face I look at myself in the mirror.  I go back to the bathroom and put my lab cloak on and I leave the house. This is the day I discovered the plague that killed almost everyone.  I drive to Sanction Lab, where my job is to look for possible virus cures. I walk into into the building as joe walks up to me. "James, I need that viral report on system B" He says looking agitated. I turn to him and say "Yea Yea I got it I'll run in there and grab it"  I start to go into the room when my phone beeps, with a message that says "Look at this new DNA strand" I go into the containment bridge and grab the slide, and I put it under the microscope. I look at it and see that it is rapidly killing all the cells around it. This is when the plague started. When it all when to hell.

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