5. not so smart phone

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Haley's P.O.V.

You know, I usually have a lot to say before we get into what is about to happen these next couple of days, but I don't really have a lot so we're going to go ahead and get started.

Adam, Leo, and I were sitting down in the lab. Adam was setting up bowling pins at the end of the lab because he was going to do something called 'bionic bowling.' Once he was about done setting up, Bree and Chase walked into the lab wearing their Tech Town uniforms.

"Hey guys! Check it out." Chase said as he walked in, "We just got our first paychecks from Tech Town."

"Nice!" Leo said walking over to them, "What are you going to spend it on? A video game? New kicks? A birthday gift for a sibling who wants a video game and new kicks?" He nudged Chase with his elbow, and I just gave him a weird look.

"Do you ever want anything else?" I asked him.

He just gave me a look while Chase grinned, "Nope. I'm going to open a savings account."

We all just gave him weird looks while Adam put his head down in shame. Bree just shook her head sadly and said, "I want to like you, but you make it so hard."

"The job also comes with perks." Chase said. When he pulled out the new EPhone 7, I about crapped myself. I stood up quickly and took the phone out of his hands while Leo stood right next to me looking down at it with wide eyes.

"The new EPhone 7?!" Leo exclaimed.

"Those aren't even out yet!" I said as I looked at then phone and back up at Chase, "How did you get one?"

Chase just smiled and said, "Well, Haley, as a rising star of the Tech Town empire-"

"Hm, we all got one." Bree said with a smug smirk on her face before walking out of the lab.

Chase just gave her a look as she left before he told us, "People are already lined up for the big release Friday. You should've seen the crazed looks in their eyes when I walked by with this thing."

I just laughed slightly as I continued to look at his phone. When I looked over at Leo, I saw he had a crazed look in his wide eyes. Chase and I gave each other a weird look before he said, "Yeah, that's the look."

"This version's got the new auto centering feature to help you take better selfies." Leo said.

I turned on the camera and held the phone up to mine and Leo's faces. I took the picture, and when the three of us went to look at it, we all gave Leo a weird look. I was smiling while Leo had one eye closed and his tongue sticking out of the side of his mouth. Leo has never been able to photograph well.

"Yeah, I don't photograph well." Leo said to Chase and I.

"Point that bad boy over here." Adam said to us from the other side of the lab with an orange bowling ball in his hands, "You're going to want to record this perfection."

I handed the phone to Leo so he could record while the three of us walked over there. Chase and I stood on either side of Adam, and Leo nodded his head to let us know that he started recording.

"I'm Adam Davenport, and this is bionic bowling." He said to the camera.

Chase grabbed my hand and pulled me away from Adam. I didn't think anything of it as Leo said, "Adam is six foot two, a rare combination of incredible strength and not much else."

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