sana x you

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Dahyun!! Comeback here!
You damn nemo! Give me my phone!

Now im chasing her here at our campus
Geeezzz that nemo im sure she will text sana again.. god if that happen again...
I will surely kill her!!!

Im too focus on chasing dahyun
Hey!!! Im tired just give me my phone!
I said panting... while slowly decreasing my speed and stop ...

Haha you wish I will tell her to meet you later ! Im just helping you. 😁😉😉

Finally she stoped running.. 
You damb nemo * pant* give me my phone! *Pant*
Dont text her.  *pant*

Nah ah im going to send now
And and 3 2 1 sent!

You will meet her at our gym now!!!

Huh!? Are you fucking kidding me!
Now ? Gym? Are you aware where are we now? Gym was too far from here!!! 😤😤😥😥

Oh oh oh she replied !!. She replied!

Huh!? Come here! Let me see!! I said
*she run over here

Look (y/n) she said
Here you read.

From sana:
Ill come in 5 minutes stay there.

Fuck im so dead! Thanks to you!! I said and punch dahyun arm..

Ouch!! Thats what i get after helping you !?? 😲😲😲

Shut up! Im think of what to do and say
To her! I need to think an explainations.
Ughhh.. you caused this again..
I hate you!
I run away from dahyun.

Time skip

Now im walking straight to our gym's direction my heart is racing. Gosh
Im here at the front of our gym.
I cant deside if I will go or not
Now im walking back and fort god help me please??🙏🙏🙏🙏
What should i say to her?

Hey! * a familiar voice said

I cant talk back because i knew who owned that voice.
I face her direction and calm my self down.

Uhmmm ahh hey?!! I said.

So why do you want to meet me up?
*she said walking closer to me

Uhh ughh eehh because

Lets go inside?

Huh? Ah okay... * if dahyun would see me right now im sure shes laughing so hard!! Damn her.i thought

She open the door revealing her friends and dahyun..
What!? Wait? Dahyun??? Why she is here too??

I look at sana and she just smile at me..
Its confusing me!

Whats happening i wispher to dahyun now is beside me.

You will know just wait. And she wink at me.

Sana suddenly kneel down
And a big poster pop out with a " will you be mine "
Written on it.

Im so shocked of what is happening..
I covered my mouth with my two hands
This is real right? I asked sana..
Now is smiling wide.

Yes and for the second time
I will ask you

* she said with sincerity

Of course !!! Yes !!!
I said and now im crying
Not because im sad
Because im so happy
I liked sana for more than 3 years and now shes asking me to be hers...

Sana stood up and kiss me to my lips
Passionately.. she broke the kiss and hug me and said something more shocking to me to knew.

She whisper...
you stole my heart
When I first saw you 5 years ago..

If you want me to continue this story and the others just comment..
Thank you.


female reader x gfriend, twice , blackpinkWhere stories live. Discover now