sowon x you

843 14 1

Another boring day.. deym!
Then i kicked the juice can in front of me
I am heading to the convenience store..
Geez ... my phone rang, its my mom.
Hello mom.. why ??

When are you planning on visiting us here at gangnam!!
You promised last time that you will go this weekend! And now where are you ?
Just please take a visit at least once a month'.
Mom, calm down for a second.. haha
Yes, I will tomorrow...

Tomorrow? Make sure that its true this time..
Or else I will freeze your credit cards!

Noo... not that... yes yes.. Tomorrow I promise..
Bye mom. Love you. And..... hung up the call

No a bamboo girl lol because shes so tall 😂Woah! look at her long legs.. Im so amused about her blaag!!!!
I didnt saw the sign board in front of me the fuck!

And yes I hit it.. and I fell at the ground.

Ow ow ow... that hurts!!
I mumbled...
Im so dumb! Shit!

Are you okay miss??

the bamboo girl said.
Wait what? Before I hit this fucking sign board i saw her at the other side of the road.
When did she get here? I look at her
Did she perhaps see my clumsiness ??
I tilted my head instead of saying anything.

She chuckled... here take my hand
she said and offer her hand

I took it and got up.. hmmm thank you I said shyly.. shes so pretty that i cant manage to say anything..

Youre welcome.. just be aware of your surrounding instead of staring at me..
Okay?? 😉😉

Huh?! She saw me staring at her?
I swear my cheeks was red as a tomato right now.. goshh its so embarrassing!!!!
I covered my face with my two hands..
To hide it..

Awww youre so cute... its just a joke dont take it seriously.  Hahaha
Youre heading at the convenience store too right?
I heard that there is a promo today..
Lets go..

Do you mind if I ask your name first before we act like we know each other ???
I said and look away.
Why do I feel this way anyway ??

Oh Im sorry I thought thay you already know me because we're schoolmates she scratched her nape because of disapointment
Im kim sojung but im fine with sowon.
Just call me sowon..

Ahh! Sowon!!!

Yeah do you remember me now?? 😌

Still no... 😂😂😂

Kek! Then why were you suprise ???

Oh that? 
Hahaha I always do that whenever someone talk to me and I didnt remember their names😂
Sorry it was just normal expression of mine 😂

Oh really ?? But me I know you since you came to our school.. *wink

Oh god! Youre stalking me!???

Nah! Im just kidding kekeke 😂😂
Oops here we are.. can I accompany you inside???

Grrr.. not funny ! Well i guess , why not ?!
Lets go...

And then they continued their friendship inside and out of their university
Y/n (your name) even introduced sowon to her family.. and sowon also did the same thing you both become bestfriend or even more
Then  sowon confessed her true feelings after your graduation ceremony
And you accept her with all your heart because you were dreaming of that day to come.
You both live as couple but yoh both decided to keep it to yourselves..
You both were happy since the day you figured out your true feelings..
But a
Your parents tell you to go overseas to work there.. now you dont know how to tell sowon because you knew that shes gonna refuse about it.

Y/n point of view

Sowon please understand me. Please believe that i dont want this too.. I.. I .. please dont walk away.  I. I have no other choice but to obey .😣😣
Please i love you more than anything or anyone please dont do this to me. Youre making me suffer even more.. 
I cant take it anymore . It hurts to see you walk away like this.  Please come back.  Come back please i love you.
Then i fell to my knees and cry as sowon run toward to me and hud me tight

I love you too.    You know that!
But please come with me dont go overseas , if you do I will die of loneliness I need you here with me dont leave.. and I you love me too like what you said you will disobey your parents and we both run and go far far away to them..

She lift my chin and kiss me passionately
I broke the kiss and said.

Yes I will.. I cant stand a day without you.
I love you sowon...

I love you too y/n.

We both run away that night and our parents and friends didnt saw us since that day..

Me and sowon went to some province in south korea.  And we even change our names , phone numbers and delete our social media account to make sure that no one can trace us... 😁😁😁😁

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 03, 2018 ⏰

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female reader x gfriend, twice , blackpinkWhere stories live. Discover now