Introduction + "Wine"

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So yeah. I hate my fucking wife. I hate this goddamn town, my job, my neighbors, and most importantly my life. I at least have a daughter that I enjoy the company of. My real name is Rexford, but that makes me sound like a nerd that studies physics and aeronautics, so I like to go by Richard. I'm a Dalmatian, thank god. I'm not like those inferior Jap Pugs or those damned porch-honkey Pitbulls. Oh, did I mention that I'm prejudicial? So I don't like you either, but I guess I'll let you read my story. Enjoy, you bored piece of shit.


Richard is sitting in his recliner watching the Cowboys vs. the Redskins. His wife, Margaret, is chatting with her friends Chloe, Martha, and Cassie over at the kitchen table.

Martha: And that's when I said: "So what if you're a Rottweiler? I'll still knock your ass out flat!" *laughter*

Margaret: He should've known better than to mess with a Frenchie like you. You go with your bad self!

Margaret then proceeds to finish her fifth glass of wine.

Margaret: Excuse me ladies, I'm gonna go get another bottle of wine.

Chloe: My, Maggie, you really have a thirst tonight.

Margaret: *tipsy giggles* It takes a lot to put up with Richie in there. *walks towards the cabinet near the T.V.*

Richard: Damn it woman, you know I don't like being called Richie.

Margaret: Oh suck it up, dickhead. You know you love it.

Richard: *scoff*

Margaret: *blocks Richard's view in order to get wine*

Richard: Marge! Get out of the damn way!

Margaret: Hold your horses, asshole! They aren't going anywhere!

As Margaret approaches the table, Richard decides he's had enough.

Richard: Woman, you've had way too much! I wish you'd stop drinking!


Richard backs up and tenses, realizing he obviously messed up. He gets up and quietly walks to the garage. Despite his tough manner, it's obvious that he's holding back tears.

Cassie: Damn sis, that was kind of rough. I think you hurt him a bit with that...

For a moment, there's silence in the room, other than the car starting and leaving the garage.

A tear rolls down Margaret's face, followed by many more.

Margaret: I...I hate this. I can't...I can't handle this. Believe me, I love him to death, but-but, I can't stop. The drinking, I mean. I know he means to joke, but it hurts so much when I can't tell because that's when I hurt him the most. When I'm not trying...which I honestly don't feel like doing any more. Ladies, I'm going to go take a rest, I've got a bit of a headache. You can go ahead and make yourselves at home, just make sure to turn everything off on your way out.

A Few Hours Pass


Margaret immediately wakes up and rushed into the living room to find the others huddled around the T.V.

Margaret: What!? What is it!?

Chloe: Look for yourself!

Margaret takes one glimpse at the television and immediately her heart sinks.

News Reporter: Here we are live at the scene where it appears a station wagon has driven off the exit ramp and into a gulley. The victim is believed to have been identified as Rexford "Richard" Miles Davis. It's a complete shock that the man is still alive, and is currently being rushed to the hospital for intensive care. I'm Chad Czybowski reporting live with Ruff 5 news, please stay tuned.

Margaret turns off the television, and as she thinks about what she's done, she collapses in tears on the sofa.

To Be Continued...

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2018 ⏰

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