CHAPTER II: Bienvenue à Paris! (Part 1)

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Mayura's POV (February 18, 2021)

"Hurry up, Mayura! The plane is leaving in 3 hours!" Rokuro shouted from below as I am currently checking if everything that I need is in tact: clothes, necessities, money, passport, and other needs. Benio is helping me. "Matte kudasai, Rokuro!" Benio screamed by the door as I gave her a thumbs up, signalling her that my things are complete and in place.

"Yush, we're coming down!" Me and Benio went downstairs and we found an impatient Rokuro carrying his own stuffed backpack, pacing back and forth.

When he laid his eyes on us, he groaned. "Awe man! I have to carry those, too?!" he recented, which I retorted back with a sarcastic answer. "Rokuro, if you're a man, you shouldn't complain about bringing a woman's luggage. WOMEN'S luggage, to be exact." I said, as I pointed at my giant trolley and Benio's briefcase and trolley. "She got you, Rokuro." Benio added while crossing her arms with a sarcastic smirk. We then decided to proceed outside. We shouldn't be wasting time, I mean, I can't wait to go to Paris!

Rokuro just complained by himself all along while putting our luggage at the back of the car, while Benio proceeded to the passenger seat and I sat down at the back seat behind her.

"Mayura..." Benio started. "Hai, Benio?" I asked, and she stayed silent for a while. I wonder what she'll be asking me about. "I hope, iya, I wish... That in Paris... You'll find somebody else who's worth it of your heart." She said, and somehow, my heart felt touched and was also slapped by a pang of pain as well. She did wish for me to find someone else, for someone who can return my feelings, for someone who can be by my side as I grow old, but... For now, it seems impossible. For the man that I would like to be with chose to be with her instead. Mayura, stop sulking! You're supposed to be encouraged by Benio's words. Maybe... Just maybe, that 'someone' that I'm looking for is right there, in Paris. "Arigatou, Benio. Also, I wish you and Rokuro the best."

"Arigatou, Mayura." after that almost awkward and tense conversation, me and Benio just kept talking about some random stuff, mostly about Paris, to kill some time, until a strong "Bang!" was heard behind me, which was caused by Rokuro's strength while he tiredly closed the door behind the car. We even heard him sigh loudly while screaming "Good grief, that's over!" which caused me and Benio to sigh while I shake my head sideways whilst she just face palmed. When Rokuro got in, he turned on the engine to the car and began to drive. It's actually quite early: 4:00 AM, but our flight is still on 6:30. Looks like we're having some 2 hours and 30 minutes to spare.

"Rokuro, why don't you drive faster?We don't want to be late now, do we?" Benio asked, impatiently. Looks like she's excited to go to Paris as well, considering the fact that her brother is working there. "Benio, I'm tired." Rokuro suddenly whined, but drove faster afterwards. It's a good thing that the road is still peaceful and empty.

"But you drank coffee, right?" Benio asked. "Heh? I need a full breakfast to have my full energy in tact!" Rokuro whined again.

Benio just sighed. I sighed as well in agreement. "You're so hopeless, Rokuro." I mumbled, but somehow, Benio might have heard it because she snickered. "Eh? Hey, what's funny?!" Rokuro asked, confused and annoyed. Benio turned to face me and when we looked at each other, we just laughed while slowly facing Rokuro and laughing again while he drove all the way to the airport, irritated.

I am so happy right now. Somehow, we managed to go back to the way we were: a group of 3 best friends, with me and Benio laughing and teasing Rokuro while he gets annoyed. It was fun, and somehow, we forgot about what happened 4 days ago.

And I managed to forget the pain. It's a good thing, I guess.

We arrived by the airport at 5:54 AM, and we went to a restaurant called 'Boar Hat' which is right beside it to eat breakfast. (Meliodas-sama~~~ lol JK)

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