Charter 5

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That night Twilight woke up and turned left to right she grabbed the book and headed to the kitchen when she wort her plan she shock her head and spit the pen out of her mouth.

Twilight: no that's not going to work.

???: Hey Twilight.

Twilight turned to see Sunset Shimmer at the doorway.

Sunset Shimmer: your up late.

Twilight: I was working on a spell to stop the Dazzlings.

???: That may be true, but you still need rest.

Twilight and Sunset Shimmer turned to see Doctor Stephen Strange and the doorway shirtless and Sunset Shimmer looked at his muscle scale body and blushed a bit.

Sunset Shimmer: um hey Stephen what brings you here?

Doctor Stephen Strange: sorry but we can't sleep with our shirts on.

Twilight: uh... We?

???: Yup just me and Doctor Stephen Strange.

Twilight and Sunset Shimmer saw Ben shirtless too.

Later as Sunset Shimmer went upstairs she felt a hand holding her hand and turned to see Doctor Stephen Strange holding her hand and she blushed.

Doctor Stephen Strange: May I sleep with you tonight?

Sunset Shimmer: *blushing* of course.

Doctor Stephen Strange and Sunset Shimmer went to the room leaving Twilight and Ben alone but just as he was to follow when he clutched his head and fell to his knees causing Twilight to panic and ran to Ben.

Twilight: *gasp* Ben you okay?

Ben: yeah I'm fine.

Twilight nodded and went to the room as Ben followed meanwhile outside of Pinkie Pie's House nearby was a giant figure he had a flame up head, orange skin, and two yellow glowing eyes and he wore a black, grey and red armor his name was Dormammu.

Twilight nodded and went to the room as Ben followed meanwhile outside of Pinkie Pie's House nearby was a giant figure he had a flame up head, orange skin, and two yellow glowing eyes and he wore a black, grey and red armor his name was Dormammu

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Dormammu: heh that foolish Ben Tennyson won't be expecting to see me after all these years.

Dormammu then notice three girls walking on three girls in the streets of was Adagio Dazzle, Blaze, and Sonata Dusk.

Adagio Dazzle: well girls looks like we need a plan to defeat the heroes and the main 6.

Aria Blaze: yeah.

Sonata Dusk: but how, there's only seven of them and there's three of us.

Adagio Dazzle: you do have a good point sister.

Dormammu: Hmhmhmhm how thoughtful of you to know but you do not need to fear me.

Adagio Dazzle: who's there, show yourself!

Dormammu: with pleasure.

Dormammu stepped out in his human size in front of the Dazzlings.

Dormammu: you may not need to fear me young mortals for i have a plan for you to seek Hmhmhmhm.

But what Dormammu and the Dazzlings didn't know was that an alien figure was watching from the roof he had light grey red skin, black raven hair, two eyes and body of four arms with brown pants, one eye of grey matter, the rode of Ripjaws, the back of upgrade, lines of Ghostfreak, wings of Stinkfly, the right arm of Diamondhead, the left arm of Heatblast, the two lower arms of Wildmutt, and the tail of XLR8 he's name was Kevin 11.

But what Dormammu and the Dazzlings didn't know was that an alien figure was watching from the roof he had light grey red skin, black raven hair, two eyes and body of four arms with brown pants, one eye of grey matter, the rode of Ripjaws, the bac...

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Kevin 11: heh I better make sure that Ben Tennyson can do this with my help.

he pulled out his ID mask and put it on his face and a bright blue shockwave flashed around him his body became a ten year old boy.

he pulled out his ID mask and put it on his face and a bright blue shockwave flashed around him his body became a ten year old boy

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Kevin: now I have to wait for my appearance at the right moment.

Kevin jumped from the roof to the ground and walked away.

Ben 10 in Equestria Girls Rainbow RocksWhere stories live. Discover now