Ten: I Get Stabbed

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    Have you ever sulked whenever you got a grounding?That was what I was doing.

I was trying to bandage myself with the bag of supplies that Frank left behind. They were enchanted too,and the Hecate campers with the Apollo campers did it the best they could. I was pretty sure that my thigh bone and one of my ribs was broken because I could barely move without wincing. I placed a piece of cotton on my eye and bandaged it too. After that,I somehow felt that the wounds were not bothering me anymore and were actually healing slowly. I made a mental note to treat the campers to an actual outside meal.

A loud explosion sounded just above me,rattling the throne room and causing one piece of the edge of the room to fall,cracking the floor. I looked at the mosaic-black figures moved like ants to the top of the palace,where two coloured ones were.

Frank and Hazel. I gripped my dagger,finally making a choice to go after them without a doubt. Suddenly,I spotted a huge black figure coming to Atlantis from the west,looking much bigger than the city's houses.

A dreadful feeling came to me. Something big was coming,and everyone was occupied. It would take the black mass to reach Atlantis twenty seconds,and the city would be destroyed completely.

By the looks of it,the generator was not coming up anytime soon.

They have their limits. Chaos had warned me about my magic. The voice in my head had surprisingly gone silent. Probably because we were all about to die. I could fail. I could have it up successfully too.

There was no more time to waste. I swam to the edge of the open space just behind Poseidon's throne that gave me and overview of the city. I threw up my arms,trying to concentrate.

"Protect Atlantis with a shield."

I waited. Nothing happened. The black mass emerged into my view,and it was a huge shark that had tiny red eyes to pronounce its evil appearance.

"Protect Atlantis with a shield!"I shouted in frustration. A shield suddenly exploded just below Atlantis,curving over the city and imitated Poseidon's bubble.

I could almost celebrate in happiness if it was not for the immense strain that took over me. My hands started to waver,and at that point I prayed that Frank and Hazel activated the shield generator.

The shark made a weird noise that was supposed to resemble a roar and rammed its angular head against my shield. Oh,how that hurt. I was pushed back a couple feet due to the force,and my eyes started to water. The shield started to flicker,and I felt all my energy drain away.

The ripple of the water behind me was the only warning I got before a blade was driven into my abdomen. My eyes widened,feeling the sting before I threw back my right arm to hit the soldier's head with my elbow. The shark barrelled into the shield again,and it wavered to the point that the shark almost made it through.

No!I told myself,struggling to keep it up. But it was no use. The blade caused the water around it to turn red. Finally,my arm fell away just as a beacon exploded from the top of the palace,curving downwards and encasing Atlantis once again.

The soldier looked outraged. I took that moment to drive my dagger deep into a small crevice on his chest. He let out a gasp,before falling limp.

Guess I'll go unconscious now. That was my last thought before my eyes slipped closed,my body starting to float in the water.

"I'll have you know,"The same dark voice of Poseidon's kidnapper broke through the darkness. I opened my eyes to a scene where Poseidon was in chains,his armour broken and a trickle of ichor down his forehead. At the end of each chain was huge spheres that seemed to have a diameter of 3 metres. "Atlantis has been retaken."

I did not recognise the room,but it had old walls that had vines sprouting through them,with a little bit of frost.

Poseidon let out a relieved sigh. "Allen."He whispered my name so softly that I barely caught it. I glanced nervously at the figure. He seemed not to notice.

"You know,a shield had sprung up before the main one was activated,"The hooded figure drawled,dragging the tip of his blade against the cracked floor,making an indent. Without warning,he lifted it and placed it on Poseidon's thigh.

I bit back a gasp,my eyes wide. Poseidon gritted his teeth as golden ichor began to bead at the small wound.

"Pity,"The figure knelt in front of him,using the flat of his blade to lift Poseidon's gaze. "What would your two brothers say if they saw you in this state?I thought they didn't care. I was not surprised at Hades,but Zeus had sent out even Athena to look for you."

Confusion filled Poseidon's glazed over eyes,but it carefully masked the hope underneath. "They're looking for me?"

"They won't find you,"The voice sneered,suddenly standing. "No god will find this place. Perhaps you're getting lonely,Poseidon. I'll bring you a companion. Now,who will I pick?Ooh,I have a game. How about you pick?"

"What?"Poseidon growled,tugging on the chains so hard that the whole room shook. I stood there,frozen,as I watched his expression change from disgust into panic.

A huge wheel was brought out,spikes lining the circle. It was divided into sections,and each section had Greek lettering. My heart sunk low into my stomach,and I felt as if someone had dropped an ice cube down my back. It was the names of all of the Olympians,excluding Poseidon.

"I won't play your twisted game-"Poseidon let out a few colourful curses in both Greek and English that I had never thought existed.

"You will,"The voice snarled. "Or else I will come after them all."

The sea god rattled the chains,and the spheres moved an inch from their spots. His sea-green eyes that usually looked colourful was dark,imitating the colour of a raging sea. Anger radiated off him in waves so strongly that I took a step back.

"I won't do it. Do it yourself,d-"Poseidon again called him something that would probably make me end up in detention for a whole year.

He raised his blade,and that was when I lunged forward. "No!"

"Allen!Are you alright?"The dream was gone. Frank and Hazel stood over me,worried. They both had air bubbles around their heads. I had one too.

My heart still racing,I reached for my abdomen,expecting a sharp twinge of pain. None came. In fact,almost every injury I had looked healed.

"Your eye."Hazel said,holding up a particularly shiny seashell. My right eye had a noticeable scar over it,made from the cut.

I struggled to talk. "H-how lon-?"

"A day,"Hazel placed a hand on my shoulder in an attempt to calm me down. "The Atlantis healers,along with Amphirite,healed your wounds."

"You almost died."Frank looked like he had been crying. I was not treated to such a sight usually. A teenager with huge arms and an arrowhead cut,with a bow and quiver,had bloodshot eyes from crying.

"Listen-"I grabbed them both,retelling my dream. There was no doubt. The urgency to rescue Poseidon was more intense now. At the end of my story,Frank and Hazel exchanged glances before helping me up.

"We have to tell this to Amphirite."Hazel said as we made our way down a corridor.

"Won't we disturb her meeting?"Frank frowned. "We should not get on Zeus' bad side,especially when he's in such a grumpy mood already."

"What meeting?"I interrupted,confused.

"Zeus is Iris-messaging Amphirite,"Hazel grimaced as we all heard a enraged yell. "By the looks of it,I think it's going very bad."

Word Count: 1366 words

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