f i v e

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This is like being offered completely new things,

but you'll lose all of your old things.

At first,

it seems like a good idea,

why wouldn't it be?

You get all new things, you get to throw out the old.

But, it's almost like throwing out all of your memories.

With the new things, you're happy and you like it,

but you aren't attached to it in the same way.

With the old,

you're not always happy,

but you're attached to it - it has become a part of your life,

rooted down.

And taking that away feels like the roots are

also pulling out chunks of yourself.

- - - - - - - - ♥

Hellooo friends! I hope you enjoyed the chapter. If you did, please vote to let me know. If you'd like to give extra feedback, please comment - even if you'd just like to say hello c: Also, I'd like to start asking you all a question per chapter.

What's your favourite song? c:

xx stilte

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