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01 | one

      THERE WERE TIMES WHERE AURORA WISHED SHE was someone completely different. Not just shift in her shell and walk down another path, no. Be someone completely different. With a different face, different habits, different history. Perhaps it was the colors of her walls made her want to live the life of a hippy who traveled around the world with a floral duffle bag and too little cash in their pockets, or maybe the squeak in her mattress that made her curious of the life of a pilot who lived with the gentle hum of a one-ton jet engine on either sides of a commercial aircraft. But either of those particular personas, or others in a list of millions, she just wanted to close her eyes one day and just not be Aurora Eden.

Because Aurora Eden had a tendency to stay up too late on the nights most inconvenient, being plagued by thoughts she didn't want. Because Aurora Eden had a stash of Band-Aids in her right pocket for a permanent scab that had found its home on the side of her wrist due to her inability to let a cut heal. This being that she was had dull colors and muted sounds, all composed of paper thoughts and shaky breaths.

So perhaps that was where her love of people watching originated. She was too familiar with the person she was, too engulfed in the head of herself. And her solace came in the form of sitting in the hard seats of the public city transportation and glancing at the strangers around her, trying to piece together their lives from what little she got from their appearance and mannerisms. This simple habit took her away from herself for a few short-lived moments during her morning commutes and afternoon wanderings, but it seems that it was never enough.

Her days were always the same. And she hated the taste of that metallic routine on her tongue.

But it seems the uncomfortable ache inside her had been soothed by a small fraction since the arrival of James, the mysterious man who had settled into the small apartment just three paces away from hers. The monotonous echo inside her had given way to a harmonious vibration that made her fingertips tingle with new things.

At first she tried to remove herself from the thoughts that loomed at the corners of her mind like thunder clouds, attempted to look at the situation as one of many that occurred in the currents of everyday life and what it meant to live in an apartment complex teeming with individuals of all different personalities and backgrounds. But then the shadows became even more enticing in their own mysterious ways, and she, Aurora Eden, a reserved voice in a lone fortress, became a restless soul with too many questions circling her mind. They swam like sharks, lethal in their own capabilities, but timid and skittish in their true colors of reality.

And as the sounds grew louder in their impossible silence, and she became more startled, she had to tell herself that something was different about this situation. It wasn't one of average proportions, a forgettable occurrence or one that flashed by like mirrors and became lost in the human conscious as a vague and minute detail in a sea of other things. No, this was different.

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