Prologue (An Introduction)

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The Aztecs called us Ixcuiname.

To the ancient Greeks, we were Erotes.

Other cultures named us individually, rather than collectively. Humans throughout time viewed us as deities of love, cherubim sent from God, immortal spirits, or just cute things to put on Valentine's Day cards.

You may know us as Cupids.

Love is complicated. It's so complicated that all of us are assigned to different aspects of love, and still, we will never be able to help everyone. Borrowing our Greek names, let me tell you about a few of us. Himeros is the Cupid in charge of unrequited love, Hedylogos helps people with flirting, Hymen deals with weddings, and then there's Eros.

The Romans called him Cupid. He is in charge of getting that initial spark between people going. For that, he gets all the glory. Just look at what the rest of us are called.


All he does is shoot people that are already fated to be together with his arrows. Just to give them that little push of courage or that little look of chance, and that's it. Aim, fire, done. My job is considerably more difficult, and I haven't even been acknowledged by any culture. No name from the ancient Greeks, no stories, and no paintings. Actually, I'm a little glad for the lack of paintings since you all think of us as little fat boys with wings.

My job is making sure that soulmates are single when fate decides they are ready to meet. People have no patience. You're all scared, insecure, and rather impatient. You put yourselves through terrible relationships and tie yourselves to people who just aren't right for you. Because of this, sometimes people miss meeting their soulmate.

So, how do the agents of fate and love prevent someone from missing that meeting because they are dating the wrong one? By being the wrong one.


That's the aspect of love I oversee. And let me tell you, it's a real drag. I make sure my target falls in love with me, stays with me until the time is right, and then I break their hearts. I make sure people are ready for Cupid's arrow.

If you've ever been in a relationship that seemed so perfect, only to be blindsided with a sudden and dramatic end. That was probably me, making sure you weren't with the wrong person.

You're welcome.

But do I get any praise? No. The most I get are some aches and pains from the occasional voodoo doll. Love is so troublesome. 

Thankfully, as the Cupid of Heartbreak, I will never be foolish enough to really fall in love...

*   *   *   Author's Note   *   *   *

What do you think so far?

I'd like to take a moment to thank @Shimaira and @sishaniel for the kind comments on my blurb idea. With so many other things to write and keep up with, I wasn't planning to actually write this story, but... to quote Sai Baba:

"I give people what they want in the hope that they will begin to want what I want to give them!"

Or something like that... I just found it on Brainy Quote. Anyway, don't forget to vote and comment if you are enjoying the story so far =^.^=

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