Chapter 6: The Succubus

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The next day, the eyes of many of the students are drawn to a rather peculiar sight. "Get off of him, bird brain." What drew everyone's attention, is the three person rom-com group consisting of Fumetsu with Nanako hanging from his neck with her arms playfully wrapped around him from behind while Mizore threatens her with her frozen ice claws. "Nope. He's mine!" The Harpy girl sticks out her tongue towards the Ice girl, only for a frozen dagger to hit her in the forehead, knocking her off of Fu.

As the three continue, the figures of Tsukune and another girl with light blue hair and large breasts watches the scene unfold. "Who is that?" The girl mutters under her breath. "That's Fu. He was the first person I met when I got here." Tsukune answers in a surprisingly monotone voice. "Hm? And those girls...Mizore Shirayuki and Nanako Hayai..." the girl continues to mutter before waving her hand dismissively. "I can get him anytime. I have other business to deal with. Tsukune~, class is about to start so how about you walk me there~?" The girl grips the human boy's arm between her breasts as the two make their way toward the school.

Inside the school building, after Mizore and Nanako reluctantly leave Fu's side and head to there own classrooms, Fu comes across a lone Moka. Intrigued by the reasoning as to why she's not with Tsukune, he lets his curiosity get the better of him once more and follows the pink haired girl, eventually seeing the blue haired girl from before, staring down at her from the railing of a nearby staircase.

Moka suddenly begins looking around, as if searching for someone that called out to her. "You...are a vampire, right?" Fu's eye twitches and his fist clenched at the information, while Moka looks up to the large breasted source of the voice. "That's at least what the rumours say, Moka Akashiya." Moka responds shakily as the other girl hops down from the railing. "You...! You were the one with Tsukune earlier!" Before she can say anything else, the males in the area lose their minds over the beautiful teen's appearance, stating their surprise that another hottie existed in this school. "Eh, Mizore's cuter and at least Nanako tries to be good. This girl just seems manipulative." Fu states to himself as he continues watching from afar.

The blue haired girl walks closer to Moka, whispering something in her ears before stepping back and pointing her slender finger towards the pink haired girl. "I can't stand it anymore! You're the biggest eyesore in the way of my great plan!" Moka appears to be greatly confused by the busty girl's declaration. The girl goes on to explain that her plan was for every one of the male students to fall completely under her spell, turning them into her slaves as a part of what she calls "The Yokai Academy Harem Transformation Plan!!!" Fu's eyes half close as he rubs the bridge of his nose with his hand in a mix of embarrassment for the girl and for Moka being intimidated and falling for such stupidity.

The girl continues her tirade, eventually declaring war against the dense girl in front of her. Claiming that the way she'll defeat Moka will be through stealing Tsukune from her, saying that his scent is similar to that of a human. "He does have a particular smell about him..." Fu mutters under his breath as he mulls over the likelihood of a human making it into a school for monsters. Just as it seems like Moka is about to fight back, Tsukune arrives, only to be embraced in the buxom beauties' bosom. "W-wh-why are you here, Kurumu!? Wait! I came to apologise to Moka!"

His flabbergasted flailing only serves to piss off his pink haired friend. "What's with're worried about someone...and make such a happy face." Her Yoki emanates from her body as she speaks. The level of it surprises Fu, only for it to disappear a moment later, replaced with Moka's desperate plea for Tsukune to understand that he's being tricked by the girl beside him. "That Kurumu isn't really your friend!" In response to the girl's plea, Kurumu feigns being light headed, leaning on Tsukune and prompting him to look into her eyes.

Seconds later, Tsukune looks back to Moka with a blank, unnerving smile. "P-please...believe me...that girl is dangerous Tsukune! You're going to be eaten by her." Tsukune just continues staring at her with his strange smile and empty eyes. "Oh really! Aren't you the one sucking my blood Moka?" At Tsukune's hurtful statement, tears form in Moka's eyes before she runs away, bawling her eyes out. Barely a second later, Tsukune seems to snap out of his trance and calls out after Moka, only to fall on deaf ears.

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