Chapter 1

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Please don't mind all the grammer errors. This was my first story and it kind of sucks! I'm not that good at writing so once again I'm sorry! Thank you for reading!


Chapter 1:

Anna's POV

 Through out my whole life I thought fairy tales were real until my world crashed down all around me when my parents split up when I was about seven or eight. They always fought and ever agreed with each other. When they did finally split up my dad took me with him and I stayed with him until I was about eighteen and decided to go to college with my best friend Mary and my fabulous boyfriend Cory. 

Cory and I were together for about three years ad we were voted Prom king and queen. It was spectacular but I do have to ay that I now believe that I was never in love with him because I was never meant to be with him. He was not my soul mate and i dint believe in fairytales no matter what people think of me.

The only fairytale I believe in is the one between him and I. Your probably wondering who is him, well 'him' is the one I fell in love with, The one that made me believe in fairytale endings. He was my rock through thick and thin. We are not together at the moment but I do know we will be one day. We are soul mates and nothing, I an nothing change that.

Before I talk about life now I mind as well start from the beginning. 

After my first year of collage I decided to take a break and go back to my mothers ad brothers house. I was longing to see them one again, I needed them. I missed them to much. So I packed my things and took off to the home I knew and loved. 

The first time I saw 'him' was at a gas station on my way to my mothers house. He was wearing a black t-shirt, blue jeans, and some combat boots or something along those lines. It took my breathe away. All he did was stare at me  just like I did to him. I believe now that true love is a powerful thing that cant be changed. Even if people may have different opinions of love at first sight or something along the lines of that I think they may change their minds when they find that person, I know I did. Its a powerful thing to say when you first see a guy but I didn't just see  guy I seen my future with him in that second. It was weird but good.

Scott needed someone their for him and 'he' was even though 'he' may be possibly the meanest person you will meet, he is a teddy bear somewhere. 

I know true love exist when I look at him. He is one of a kind and nothing can change that. With love like his all you can really say is Love is a Risk with him.     

Annabell-Marie's Pov

When ging home to see my mum and Scott this is not what i was expecting to do the first day back. I was in the check out lineand  I couldn't help but think that something was very different and off about Scott. Yeah I have been gone for a year but still guys don't change that much from going from a one friend type of guy to 'can I have a "guys" night'. It was a wierd thing I mean, I was happy for him but  still questioning myself. As I was loading all the grocery's in the car I remebered I had to get the stupid candy.They ar elucky I love them so much. 

"Damn it!" I said to myself

I decided I would just stop at a gas station for the candy and grape soda Scott and Stiles wanted. They better be happy I got these things for them. As I pulled up to the house I noticed a black Camaro. Most likely Scott "friends" car. While I was carrying the grocery's in I seen the three of them watching tv. Like really? I know they know I'm home but they are the lazy bums they are.

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