Special Chapter

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Chae Hee's POV.
Like I can trust you...

I looked at Kenta who was just standing there ,but then I was a little surprised when he suddenly walked towards me and kissed my forehead.

I looked up and saw him smiling , he then pulled away and waved goodbye.


"B-bye."I replied as I quickly walked towards my house.


I was trying to sleep but found it really hard because of the noises from outside,and the thing that happened earlier.

"It's just a friendly thing,Chae Hee."I mumbled as I closed my eyes and begun to sleep,but then my phone buzzed.

Hello sorry for doing that to you earlier,you must've found it weird.sorry:(

Chae Hee:D
Oh that?it's okay:)

You sure?

Chae Hee:D
Yeah,it's okay.

Okay...sorry again ,goodnight.

I sighed heavily as I put my phone down,and went back to sleep.

Hi everyone,sorry for the short chapter ,but I'll update the next chapter soon.
Thank you so much.


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