Ch. 3

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Alex's POV

He thinks I'm beautiful. He actually thinks I'm beautiful

"Don't leave" he says

"Don't worry I'm not going anywhere" I say kissing his cheek

It was quiet for a moment until we heard screaming girls "Oh my gosh it's Taylor Caniff and Matt Espinosa"

We all stay still and surprisingly calm when like 40 fangirls are rushing towards us. "Eww and who's that girl that they're with" a blonde girl


"Yo! If you're gonna insult my best friend then I suggest you leave" I hear taylor say

Then they all start leaving

Matts POV

They all start leaving. And I immediately feel bad so I walk up to taylor

"Hey taylor, I think we should take her to magcon with us" I whisper

"Dude that'd be awesome. Except all the guys are gonna be hitting on her except for the ones with girlfriends" taylor says

I feel worried but I know she won't be interested in boys with everything that's going on right now. I decide to tell Alex

"Hey Alex me and taylor are going to magcon San Diego this weekend" I said looking into her hurt eyes

"Oh well that's cool, i guess" she looked down

"Why are you sad aren't you coming with us, you dork" her eyes shot up at me.

Alex's POV

"Oh my Jesus are you serious" I'm so exited I feel like I'm gonna pee. I look like a weirdo jumping and smiling

We decide to go home for dinner since we spent most of our day at the beach. We walk upstairs and lay on my bed. Me in the middle with taylor to my right and Matt to my left. I Take my phone and open the camera I pose a I feel taylor kiss my right cheek and Matt doing the same to my left cheek. I take the picture and post it to Instagram with the caption. Day with the dweebs💘💩

I get 2000 liked in a minute probably because I tagged the boys in the picture. With that I get a lot of rude comments. I stay still and look at this one comment that really got to me "kill yourself" I click on the profile and see it's the same girl from the beach. Gosh why does she hate me so much. I see Matt screenshot the picture and save it as his background except he cuts taylor out. Why would he do that? He doesn't like me that way, right?

Matts POV

I see Alex staring at her phone. She seems a little upset. "Hey Alex you okay?"

"Yeah I'm fine" I know something is wrong when she says that. " I just have to go to the bathroom" she walks to her desk and picks something up

"Oh no, no no no" I say walking up to her "hand it to me, now" she gives me the blade and say "If you're gonna go to the bathroom, I'm coming with you"

"Matt stop" I lead her into the bathroom and close the door with me in there with her i turn around facing the wall "go ahead, do your business"

"Gosh you dweeb" she says laughing and peeing

She finishes and we leave the bathroom go back to the room to see taylor crying. I wasn't surprised since we were watching the fault in our stars. Me and Alex look at Eachother and start laughing.

"Augustus died oh my god" taylor says to us

"We know dude" I say trying to hold back my laugh

I can't wait until Magcon this weekend.

Don't Leave( Matt Espinosa)Where stories live. Discover now