Matts POV
I see her fall into a deep sleep so I decide to take out my phone and take a picture of her. I post it on Instagram and caption it "She's ugly 😂😘" i figure that this is the right time to tell her everything I've been hiding from her. I slowly start talking to her but I know she can't hear me so I'm not very worried.
After about 20 minutes of explaining I get up and go to the bathroom. I open the door and see a little girl (11-12)
"Oh my god you're Matt espinoza" "Is Nash Greer here" I giggle at what she says
"What a newborn" I say as she walks out. After I finish doing my business I go back to my seat to find taylor with her. Was she crying?
Taylor's POV
I hear sniffling from the seat in front of me so I take out my earphones and walk up to Alex's seat
"Hey babe are you okay" I ask
"I don't even know why I'm crying right now.. I'm such a loser" she says
"Alex listen to me sure you may be a loser but you're always going to be mine and Matts loser okay?" I say tickling her neck a little bit
"Listen here you little shit you can insult me but tickle my neck again and I swear to god I'll rip your head off" she says then smiling after she finishes
I see Matt comeback from the bathroom
"Hey is everything okay?" He asks
"Yeah, Alex was crying for a little bit then she said she's going to rip my head off so here have your seat back" I awkwardly laugh.
I go back to my seat and listen to music again
Alex's POV
Matt cuddles up next to me. Being here with him made my whole world become brighter. He was my light at the end of the tunnel the thought of us going our separate ways worried me but I know it was coming in no time soon.
I hear him tell me about all the mistakes he's ever made in his life like that one time he Accidentally pushed me off the slide in kindergarden causing me to break my leg. I tried really hard not to laugh. Then he said something that shocked me
"I haven't done it in a year and I'm actually quite proud of myself" he said in a soft voice "honestly I don't know why I didn't tell you sooner when you could've helped me but I thought you'd leave me and not want to be seen in public with me"
"I mean all of the hate got to me and I wasn't thinking and I just did it" he explains more until I hear him get up and go to bathroom
I immediately start balling my eyes out and feel Taylor put his arm around me
"Hey babe are you okay" he asks
"I don't even know why I'm crying right now.. I'm such a loser" I lied about not knowing why
He tells me so many amazing things and I cry a little bit more but then Matt comes back.
He sits down after asking what's wrong
"If you stop crying I'll buy you Starbucks" he says trying to cheer me up
"What a loser" I managed to say and laugh a little
"This is your captain speaking please put your seat belts on we will be landing in 10 minutes" a voice says
"Damn that was fast" Matt says
"Stop fucking cussing" i reply
"You're cute when you're annoyed" I try not to blush
"Shut up" I tell him
"You love me" he says hoping to get an 'I love you' back
"I mean I guess" I smirk
God dammit I love this kid. His hair. His eyes. His old Levi's (😂😏) I could go on and on about him.
Hey guys I know I haven't update and I know this chapter is short I just have massive writers block 😶 but kik me - alibubu66 (I know it's stupid I made it like in 1938) so kik me and tell me what boy you want to be shipped with (: love you stay strong like the beautiful bitch you are