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A/N: external link for Robyn's Outfit :)

I walked down the path to the grave where my mom's body was laid. I placed down a small bouquet of pink tulips, her favourite. I looked down at the marble grave stone that has her name engraved on it. "I'm okay now mom. I know that it was meant to happen. you're in a better place now." I said more to myself rather than to her. I sighed and sat down in front of the carved piece of stone. "I miss you." I mumbled. My mom died due to a heart attack a few years back. My dad, my older sister Wendy, and I learned to cope with it over the 4 years through therapy, but my dad took it the hardest. 

I kissed my fingertips, pressing them to the cold stone in front of me. "Talk to you later, mom. I love you." I whispered. I stood up and walked to my car, kicking rocks on the pavement. I slid inside and turned on the engine, the sound of the roaring car filling my ears. But the roaring was soon replaced by the sounds of All Time Low's Picking Flowers on the radio.

I made my way to the bakery where I worked for the longest time. I parked my car in the parking lot, grabbed my back from the backseat and locked the car. I walked into the store and went straight to the employee room where I put my stuff. “Robyn! Wonderful, you're here.” my boss named Julianne said with a grin. “As always, Jules.” I replied with a polite smile. I grabbed my apron off the rack and slipped it over my head, tying the string behind me. I spotted my co-worker (who also happens to be one of my best friends) in the work room. “Mornin' Kyle.” I said, playfully bumping hips with him. “Oi! Watch it, Ro.” He chuckled and shook his head at me. I rolled my eyes, “Nicki isn't here yet? I thought she'd be here with you.” I wondered out loud, moving to the front of the store to take orders. “Oh uh, she called in saying she'd be a bit late. Sleeping in probably.” I laughed and smiled, taking a seat on the stool by the register. 


Minutes after Nicki arrived, customers started pouring in. I would occasionally help them bake in the back if I wasn't needed up front.

“Welcome to Julianne's Bakery. How can I help you today?” I asked before looking up to see a guy who looked around my age with black hair, on some crutches. “Uhh.. yeah. Picking up an order for a cake? For Hood.” he explained. “Sure, just a second.” I said swiftly before walking to the back, where Kyle and Nicki were almost entirely covered in flour. My eyes widened and I shook my head before one of them could speak. “I don't wanna hear it guys.” I chuckled and they both joined in as well. “I've got a guy picking up a cake under the name Hood?” I told Nicki. She took a peak of the guy waiting in front before handing me the box with a cake. “Damn, Ro.. he's cute! Maybe he'll leave you his number.” She winked and smirked. I giggled and rolled my eyes, “I doubt it Nick, but thanks.” I smiled teasingly at her. 

I walked up front with the box and placed it on the counter, ringing it up on the register. “Yeah, that will be $15.23 in total.” I looked up at him. He was so intriguing, I couldn’t help but want to stare. “Yeah, uhm.. One second.” he said, trying to fish his wallet out of his pocket without dropping a crutch. “Got it!” he exclaimed but ended up dropping his left crutch. “Oh fuck..” he groaned. I giggled slightly and shook my head before walking around the counters to pick it up for him. I crouched down and picked up the crutch, handing it to him. “Here. First time with crutches, huh?” I asked. He smirked before saying, “Nah, just got a little clumsy when I saw a hot girl in front of me.” I felt a blush creeping onto my cheeks. “Oh uhh. Right..” I mentally facepalmed myself for being so dorky. “Here,” he said, handing me the money. I placed it in the register and gave him his receipt. “See you around.” He said with a wink. I smiled and waved before he exited the store. “I kinda wish you we're right, Nick.” I told her, sighing.


HEY GUYS. Sorry if this is really bad, this is my first ever fanfic o.o i accept any constructive criticism :) Please share this with people and vote for more!

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