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The steady beeps of the heart monitor was enough to pull me out of my dreamless sleep. I tried opening my eyes desperately, maybe today I would be able to see around me, maybe even be able to react to whoever chanced a visit into my room. No luck. My eyes remained sealed, like a vault in a bank, except harder to open. I could feel myself getting weaker and weaker every day from the lack of use in my muscles. I could only imagine what my figure looked like now that the only way my body is functioning is through the multitudes of machines hooked up to me, doing God only knows what. 

Oh right, how rude of me, my name is Ariana Mason. I've been in a coma for, hm, well I can't quite remember actually. I'll get back to you on that one if someone happens to randomly blurt out the length of days I haven't been quite present. I'm 17-ish I believe, maybe I'm older considering I haven't seen a calendar in a pretty long time. I was in a boating accident. I've only heard bits and pieces of what happened, but I am certain I went on an innocent boat ride along the beautiful coast of Hawii with my boyfriend, Nate. I think there might have been others there but no one specified. Our sailing boat got caught in a big gust of wind and our navigator turned the boat to quickly, causing the boat to capsize. The rest is ancient history because as someone was recounting the story to the nurse, I fell asleep. This of course caused me to mentally slap myself when I woke up, but someone stuck a needle in my arm so that was punishment enough. 

That was awile ago, I've had quite frequent visitors since the crash. Their voices mixing together once the medicine kicks in. But when I'm fully conscious, unable to move even the tiniest muscle though, there is always someone there, talking to me, the nurses, or someone else on the phone. Well, there are times he is reading. I can tell because of the quiet flick of a page. The tiniest  noises cause my mind to wander somewhere other than here. You could say I get bored, if bored means doing absolutely nothing all the time except breathing and memorizing where things in the room are. I have a complete picture in my head of what my hospital room looks like from what the nurses and others do. For example: someone dropped a glass to my right causing shards of glass to scatter on the floor. The person walked about 6 feet to the left of me, opened a door and walked out. The door was to my left. There are no windows in my room because I never once heard anything that would signify there was. 

I was pulled from my thoughts as the door opened quietly, footfalls came close. I heard the puff from the cushioned chair on my left, giving me the knowledge that my visitor was seated. I would have smiled if I was capable: only one visitor sits down that gently. I mentally greeted my company.

Hello Charlie. 

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